丰田f1吧 关注:493贴子:9,307

我创意了一种飞机 不知道哪位可以帮我画出来



IP属地:江苏1楼2015-09-09 21:01回复
    @sugarchow 大师你的PS绝对是一绝 不知道可以不可以 几种飞机现实中的拼接

    IP属地:江苏2楼2015-09-09 21:01
      是这么几种飞机 的混血儿
      还是比较科学的 我也是经过的数据计算的

      IP属地:江苏3楼2015-09-09 21:06

        The Boeing YAL-1 Airborne Laser
        美国空军的激光战机 可以拦截300公里外的固体导弹和600公里外的液体导弹 另一种说法是100千瓦可以打160公里的目标

        IP属地:江苏4楼2015-09-09 21:15
          安225 前苏联用来最早运暴风雪航天飞机的
          最大货仓运载250吨 航程4500公里

          IP属地:江苏5楼2015-09-09 21:21

            IP属地:江苏6楼2015-09-09 21:22

              安124 安225的原型机
              安225由该机放大并且增加两台发动机改成 且应需要运输背载航天飞机 顾改成H型尾翼
              原计划第二架安225不需要运送航天飞机 计划改为安124一样的常规水平尾翼和垂直尾翼 货物运载能力提高到300吨

              IP属地:江苏7楼2015-09-09 21:24


                IP属地:江苏8楼2015-09-09 21:25

                  IP属地:江苏10楼2015-09-09 21:36

                    IP属地:江苏12楼2015-09-12 11:46
                      您好 非常高兴看见你的回复
                      我们在2个群里经过了激烈的残酷的严肃的 针锋相对的讨论
                      受到地球曲面的因素 对地直线激光攻击距离在12000米飞行高度大概最多480公里 也就是说 如果福特级航母来到我这480公里以内 包他沉 舰队的标准3 6 打不了我这么远 他只能上战机 但是就算是AIM54/120D的射程 最多也是距离我迎头200公里射程 但是介于是大家在空中 中高空阻力较小 空气稀薄 探测距离远超800公里 基本你起飞我就击落你 并且把你的加油机 电战机 侦察机 预警机一并击落 激光没有提前量 且飞机的防护对于兆瓦级的激光炮 忽略不计 1秒内就能让你变成火球 敌军连弹射的机会都没有 且该机与预警机同样在歼击机的保护范围以内 在失去了加油机 预警机 侦察机 电战机辅助的F22 F35几乎没有可能威胁到我军 因为敌军的配套体系已经被我轻易击落
                      另有网友提议 称最大射程只能维持在探测距离以及地球曲面范围限制内 顾我考虑到 若能将核反应堆小型化(1970年前苏联可以155兆瓦的钠冷堆塞在2700吨的双壳艇内,另又1960年可以将12兆的压水堆塞在TU95内称谓TU119)
                      且考虑到美军舰载32千瓦可以击沉3公里外的小艇 105千瓦可以击落160公里以外的高空弹道导弹
                      可以考虑缩减反应堆以及机载激光武器设备的体积 缩小功率 60/90兆瓦几乎伤害溢出 富余了
                      如果能控制在 较小的体积 依然能在最大范围能摧毁敌军飞行器并且威慑敌军舰艇 几乎等于一机在手 制空权在手 称霸世界

                      IP属地:江苏13楼2015-09-13 15:21
                        貌似当初苏军也是走的电激励路线 固体激光只需要足够的电量就行 美国之前化学激光确实效率较差

                        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端14楼2015-09-13 15:24
                          @盗版导师 @sugarchow 我的另一个升级观点是 安124/225都是货机的考虑要考虑货舱而牺牲一定的飞机性能 但如果可以专门设计一款激光战机 可以考虑一点优化气动和RCS值 提高自身飞行品质以及生存能力

                          IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端15楼2015-09-13 15:34
                            The Beriev A-60 is a Soviet/Russian airborne laser laboratory aircraft based on the Ilyushin Il-76MD transport.
                            In the 1970s a special aviation complex was established by the Soviets at Taganrog machine-building factory to develop airborne laser technology for the Soviet military.
                            In 1977 Beriev OKB started the design of a flying laboratory designated '1А'. The purpose was to solve the complex scientific and engineering problems regarding the creation of an airborne laser and also to facilitate research on the distribution of beams in the top layers of an atmosphere. Work on this topic occurred with wide cooperation between the enterprises and the scientific organizations of the USSR, but the basic partner OKB was TSKB Almaz headed by B.V.Bunkin.

                            IP属地:江苏16楼2015-09-13 15:49
                              The Il-76MD was selected as a base aircraft for the flying laboratory. In order to accommodate the laser a lot of changes were done on the basic Il-76 design. These modifications have drastically changed the appearance of the plane.
                              In front, instead of the regular nosecone, it was fitted with a steerable beam director turret for targeting lidar (years later, Boeing used a similar concept in the YAL-1 test platform, although for main laser, not targeting).
                              A large retractable dorsal turret was installed for main laser firing, as engineers found it impossible to fit the main laser aiming optics into the nosecone turret.[1]
                              Two large nacelles were installed along the lower edge of the fuselage; one which housed the turbo generators used to power the laser, and another replacing the "chin" cabin, housing the targeting lidar's APU.
                              The rear cargo doors were removed, although the ramp was kept, as it was a structural element.
                              The tail gunner position was also removed.
                              Hence the problem of accommodating the laser gun was solved and it did not spoil the aerodynamics of the base aircraft. The laser system was 1 MW, created by one of the branches of the Institute of Atomic Energy, Kurchatov. This gas laser, operating on carbon dioxide, was developed for installation on the aircraft IL-76.
                              The '1A' flying laboratory first flew on 19 August 1981 under E.A. Lakhmostov.
                              On 29 August 1991, the crew led by test pilot V.P. Demyanovski flew the second flying laboratory which received the name '1А2' СССР-86879. A new variant of a laser system was installed as a result of various tests on '1А'.
                              Apparently, after being mothballed for more than a decade and half, the project recently (May 2009) was reactivated, according to the eyewitness accounts about an A-60 spotted flying in Rostov on Don and Taganrog region.[2] Now it is parked in Taganrog airport. 47°11'53.92"N 38°51'46.05"E
                              Russia is developing a military airborne laser mounted in a A-60, designated 1LK222 Sokol Eshelon. The second A-60 laboratory can be seen at this reference.

                              IP属地:江苏17楼2015-09-13 15:49