Q: I know you're aware and deeplyconcerned about Russian government's attitude to LGBT community. I am as acitizen can judge the problem from inside. The adult society of our country isreally afraid that if they let the LGBTs into the screens, press and otherpublic platforms to speak their truth and to stand for their rights in all possibleways, this could affect the children's and teenagers' choice of their sexualorientation (that's why they call it "propaganda"). What do you thinkis it possible to influence somebody's choice from the outside somehow? Or it'spurely innate?
A: (I hope I understood your question correctly.) We don't choose oursexuality. We choose whether we're going to be true to ourselves. Whether we'regoing to give ourselves permission to be fully-expressed. Whatever that lookslike.
Seeing someone who's gay on"screens, press and other public platforms" isn't going to make astraight kid gay. But it will make a gay kid feel less alone. And that'scritical. It's critical every kid knows there are others out there who are justlike them. That there's a larger community excited and waiting to embrace,accept, and cherish them for who they are.
A: (I hope I understood your question correctly.) We don't choose oursexuality. We choose whether we're going to be true to ourselves. Whether we'regoing to give ourselves permission to be fully-expressed. Whatever that lookslike.
Seeing someone who's gay on"screens, press and other public platforms" isn't going to make astraight kid gay. But it will make a gay kid feel less alone. And that'scritical. It's critical every kid knows there are others out there who are justlike them. That there's a larger community excited and waiting to embrace,accept, and cherish them for who they are.