。。。。The medium-sized family Solanaceae, with ca. 2500 species in100 genera, most of them in the Neotropics, is well known for itsmany biologically active alkaloids and saponins. Among the mostimportant hallucinogenic or toxic plants used by indigenousgroups throughout South America are species in the genus Brunfelsia L. (Schultes, 1979; Bennett, 1992; Plowman, 1998; Klouceket al., 2005; Singh et al., 2008), and a saponin from B. grandiflora has potent leishmanicidal activity (Fuchino et al., 2008).。。。。。。
不知道市场卖的双色茉莉是哪个种的,google查了查貌似是B. brasiliensis,不知道有没有毒性。