In elementary school and middle school students want to read the book. Their mother, I'd love one.绵real wrapped up in college in the world suddenly comes alive in the 20-year-old "HATARAKE! Become adults now!" Is not what无理. Now in a real academic community (= highly educated, high income) will continue for a while, but this构造,鸟越on TV Sunday morning's (闻记元新), Keiko Kishi and (f优and essayist) and Fujiwara Mr. Masahiko (the dignity of the nation's Ochanomizu University professor and author Jiro Nitta said that (copyright: More Shingen Takeda) and Tei Hushiwara'm her dear son -) and a pair of谈. "(Keiko Kishi's) table before I'm saying that education should be a talent I think. (别difference is not in the sense that) it is not brain should be equality in education from the water to equal Associate I will not. In any country to protect the national genius-level people who do not. We never have违U force and not a judge? Who also is not that important and that it can not be determined .强Tsutomu that if the brain rather than just the ability to absorb the culture there and I understand my country and to determine what I think you can. Do so, I think education is necessary "" (鸟越's) state when they have to do with the ordinary people is wrong with it. Now that all politicians and bureaucrats deviation values are also very good, but I?'m Ordinary people. Really deviate It can be a very强Tsutomu, but the public's sense, there is no comprehensive decision-making ability. In that sense, and that brain of ordinary people?动the country to do, I'm not. That in order to protect national投GE出SERU's all about, such as shore仰RU's got to have talent. "BINIHA结us with three" countries that do not read the book倾reside.语just in the lower grades to improve the country, "仰っWere