楔 月光笺 我想像卡因夜鹰一样飞翔 渡过缄默亘古的天河 尾羽悄撩水波一纹 浅浪舒开心怀; 藤枝彼端,百灵鸟清吟安眠谣。 我想像卡因夜鹰一样飞翔 穿过冷清千百年的夜空 翅尖轻点流星一瞬, 星星睁开睡眼; 你可看见,梦那端就是安眠乡? 可天河注定不会奔跑, 冷风依旧吹灭星光 夜鹰失去它的翅羽 学不会百灵鸟婉转歌唱 等世间冰冷的温暖消融 我撕下一片皎洁的月光 写信 邮寄到天边不知名的星址 我只邮寄仲夏夜璀璨纷涌的星浪 还有熟睡中 天使的微笑 Moonlight Letterhead I would like to fly like a night-hawk Flying over eight hundred miles of Shanxi Plain But my wings are unable to beat In the southern land drenched in rain The hue of cyan is hidden into mountains Hushed birds are shadowed by scattered trees While snow is melting into rolling waves I tear off a ray of moonlight so clear and bright Wishing to write a letter to the southern land Where romance is drowned in blossoming sea, and to ask The winding tide as a courier to offer a helpful hand Full and ripe wheat grains won't be counted in Only the look of the northern starry summer night As well as the look of an Angel in sound sleeping Will be mailed in the letter of moonlight ——ฉันชอบคุณ,แสงจันทร์。(我爱你,我的月光) 月光轻启窗扉,流过牛皮纸上飞逸的圆体英文, 那墨水烙下的笔锋划径,在青灯陈卷上铭刻下醇厚的誓言。 ——今晚的月亮,很亮。 =========================================================================== 这里引用英文诗歌《月光笺》(作者似乎不详,查不到很确切的答案), 为了剧情需要,对中文版做了较大改动,保留了原诗里的几句,侵则删。 至于文里出现的奇怪字符,就当成精灵语看吧~