我们就以工作这个话题为例,什么样的工作才算是好工作哪?有人喜欢工作well-paid,secure,有人则更看重challenging,exciting,认为那样的工作才worthwhile, rewarding。有没有free time,公司是否提供较好的pension benefit,medical benefit,working condition,和colleague是否相处融洽也都是很多人在择业前考虑的因素。可一个工作也总有不让人满意的地方,如果工作太demanding,职员会感到它stressful。又或者这个工作boring,dangerous,要不就是工人们必须在difficult environment中工作,都会造成负面的情绪。
比如,我们在谈论工作的时候可以说:Money isgood, but I want a job which is also rewarding in other ways. It shouldn’t beboring like some other jobs, and there should be always something unexpected.Thus I’ll feel I am doing something worthwhile.
I have to supervise andknow about what’s going on in all the different parts of the company. I have torepresent the company in all important decisions. (Chief Executive Officer)
I am a qualifiedaccountant and a member of the management team. I monitor my company’s financialperformance, as well as supervising the budgets for various projects andcontrolling their costs. (Finance Manager)
My job is around thedevelopment and training of the managers in the store where I work, and makingsure they do their jobs well. Also, I’m responsible for the recruitment of newstaff. (Human Resources Manager)
I giveadvice about all sorts of different things connected with food, such as adviceon how to market it, developing new recipes; I also write articles about it.(Marketing Consultant)
我们就以工作这个话题为例,什么样的工作才算是好工作哪?有人喜欢工作well-paid,secure,有人则更看重challenging,exciting,认为那样的工作才worthwhile, rewarding。有没有free time,公司是否提供较好的pension benefit,medical benefit,working condition,和colleague是否相处融洽也都是很多人在择业前考虑的因素。可一个工作也总有不让人满意的地方,如果工作太demanding,职员会感到它stressful。又或者这个工作boring,dangerous,要不就是工人们必须在difficult environment中工作,都会造成负面的情绪。
比如,我们在谈论工作的时候可以说:Money isgood, but I want a job which is also rewarding in other ways. It shouldn’t beboring like some other jobs, and there should be always something unexpected.Thus I’ll feel I am doing something worthwhile.
I have to supervise andknow about what’s going on in all the different parts of the company. I have torepresent the company in all important decisions. (Chief Executive Officer)
I am a qualifiedaccountant and a member of the management team. I monitor my company’s financialperformance, as well as supervising the budgets for various projects andcontrolling their costs. (Finance Manager)
My job is around thedevelopment and training of the managers in the store where I work, and makingsure they do their jobs well. Also, I’m responsible for the recruitment of newstaff. (Human Resources Manager)
I giveadvice about all sorts of different things connected with food, such as adviceon how to market it, developing new recipes; I also write articles about it.(Marketing Consultant)