Hello Asgardia!
We are happy to announce that the next Asgardia Answers live stream with Lena De Winne has been scheduled for September 16, 2017 at 14:00 UTC. Please see the graphic to help locate your local time.
As usual, please place your pre-questions in the comments of this thread and the Civic Asgardia teams will collect them for Lena to address in her broadcast!

Hello Asgardia!
We are happy to announce that the next Asgardia Answers live stream with Lena De Winne has been scheduled for September 16, 2017 at 14:00 UTC. Please see the graphic to help locate your local time.
As usual, please place your pre-questions in the comments of this thread and the Civic Asgardia teams will collect them for Lena to address in her broadcast!