【艾特楼】 【推开锈迹斑斑的天纵之门,迈步在红色灯笼下,一堆魔法卷轴失去了光泽,甲胄 生锈,剑刃折断,曾经的少年已然不知身在何方,抬头看,皓月当空,岁月长流洗净 多少英雄往事,独坐檐台蓑衣下,泪水长流,人生如梦,但求生若夏花、死如秋叶。】 『Open the rusty day of the door, down the red lanterns, a magic scroll lost luster, armor rust, broken blade, once young already know where, look up, Haoyuedangkong, how many years past heroes long wash, sitting under the eaves Taiwan cloak, tears flow, but the survival Life is but a dream.. If the summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.』