巴国大汉Zia Rasheed,又名Zia Rashid,之前我在ins翻巨人的时候无意翻到2张他的图片,秒人厉害,由于巨人网没收他,我以为不过又是个专找矮人合影的220级别,当时我把他收录在我的《巨人收集贴》3楼(/p/5981654060)。后来逐渐挖掘,发现这货实力不俗,肯定能拿出235以上实力。在巨人界,226和235是比较重要的过滤点位(实打实才算,吉XX量的不算),这两个位置能刷掉一大批人,226以下是地区级巨人,226+是世界级巨人,235+是大巨人。这货2014年已成名,巨人网那么多年都没收他,是个重大遗漏。不过另一位巨人界大拿,巨人经纪公司(Talltaleagency)老板本杰明已在社交网络注意到此人,并在2018年8月23日给出估高7'9-8'1(236-246)。2014年7月5日有新闻说他的脑瘤已经切除,但从2014-2019年的图片来看,近期似乎比早期高那么一两寸,现在的实力应该和巅峰期的Naseer Somroo差不多(发福后的Somroo已经缩了)。.

报纸的记者 2014年7月5日更新
21岁的巴基斯坦“最短”男子Tayyab在Bahawal维多利亚医院寻找8英尺高的Zia Rashid。
巴瓦尔普尔:Zia Rashid声称自己在18岁时身高8英尺,在脑瘤成功手术后离开了Bahawal Victoria Hospital(BVH)。
Vehari村94 / WB的Abdul Rashid的儿子Zia称,他是最年轻的小伙子,身高达到8英尺。
BVH的Muhammad Irshad博士说,这名男孩患有“垂体腺瘤”,并在几天前在这里入院。 神经外科医生Muhammad Yaseen博士进行了手术。
Eight-foot tall lad undergoes surgery
The Newspaper's Correspondent Updated July 05, 2014
Pakistan's 'shortest' man Tayyab, 21, inquires after eight-foot tall Zia Rashid at the Bahawal Victoria Hospital.
BAHAWALPUR: Zia Rashid, who claims himself to be eight-foot tall at the age of 18, has left Bahawal Victoria Hospital (BVH) after his brain tumor’s successful operation.
Zia, son of Abdul Rashid of Vehari’s village 94/WB, claims he is the youngest lad to have attained eight-foot height.
Dr Muhammad Irshad of the BVH said the boy was suffering from “pituitary adenoma” and admitted here a few days ago. Prof Dr Muhammad Yaseen, a neurosurgeon, carried out the operation.
The boy was earlier operated upon in Lahore General Hospital but could not be cured.
2018年11月16日 Samaa Digital
二十三岁的木尔坦居民齐亚拉希德说,他是世界上最高的人。 他身高8英尺3英寸,比土耳其库尔德农民SultanKosen高0.18英寸,他是最高生活男性的吉尼斯世界纪录。 拉希德度过了自己的生命而没有被公认为世界上最高的人,他呼吁zheng.府注意。 他希望将自己的名字记录在吉尼斯世界纪录中。
This 23-year-old Multan resident wants the govt to acknowledge he is the world’s tallest man
November 16, 2018 Samaa Digital
Twenty-three-year-old Zia Rashid, a resident of Multan, says he is the world's tallest man. He is eight feet and three inches tall, 0.18 inches taller than Sultan Kosen, a Turkish-Kurdish farmer who holds the Guinness World Record title for the tallest living male. After spending his life without being recognised as the world's tallest man, Rashid has called for the government’s attention. He wants his name to be recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records.


Zia Rasheed先生昨天和我在办公室。
Zia Rasheed先生身高7.11,年龄18岁,是第一个年龄较小的年轻人。 世界纪录。
Mr. Zia Rasheed with me in my office yesterday.
Mr. Zia Rasheed having 7.11 long height and 18 year age, he is the first young man, long height in little age. World record.

巴基斯坦最短的男人Tayyab和最高的男孩Zia Rasheed在Bahawal维多利亚医院Bahawalpur,Zia成功地为脑肿瘤手术
Pakistan shortest man Tayyab and tallest boy Zia Rasheed at Bahawal Victoria hospital Bahawalpur where Zia successfully operated for a brain tumour

Qaiser Shakeel with Zia Rasheed hight 7.10

Haq Nawaz - 7 feet 5 inches (226.1 cm),被18岁非巅峰Zia Rasheed秒10+

2014年10月15日,我觉得2014年他秒Haq Nawaz已经和2010年Naseer Somroo那次差不多了(油管WDI89cW98d0)


报纸的记者 2014年7月5日更新
21岁的巴基斯坦“最短”男子Tayyab在Bahawal维多利亚医院寻找8英尺高的Zia Rashid。
巴瓦尔普尔:Zia Rashid声称自己在18岁时身高8英尺,在脑瘤成功手术后离开了Bahawal Victoria Hospital(BVH)。
Vehari村94 / WB的Abdul Rashid的儿子Zia称,他是最年轻的小伙子,身高达到8英尺。
BVH的Muhammad Irshad博士说,这名男孩患有“垂体腺瘤”,并在几天前在这里入院。 神经外科医生Muhammad Yaseen博士进行了手术。
Eight-foot tall lad undergoes surgery
The Newspaper's Correspondent Updated July 05, 2014
Pakistan's 'shortest' man Tayyab, 21, inquires after eight-foot tall Zia Rashid at the Bahawal Victoria Hospital.
BAHAWALPUR: Zia Rashid, who claims himself to be eight-foot tall at the age of 18, has left Bahawal Victoria Hospital (BVH) after his brain tumor’s successful operation.
Zia, son of Abdul Rashid of Vehari’s village 94/WB, claims he is the youngest lad to have attained eight-foot height.
Dr Muhammad Irshad of the BVH said the boy was suffering from “pituitary adenoma” and admitted here a few days ago. Prof Dr Muhammad Yaseen, a neurosurgeon, carried out the operation.
The boy was earlier operated upon in Lahore General Hospital but could not be cured.

2018年11月16日 Samaa Digital
二十三岁的木尔坦居民齐亚拉希德说,他是世界上最高的人。 他身高8英尺3英寸,比土耳其库尔德农民SultanKosen高0.18英寸,他是最高生活男性的吉尼斯世界纪录。 拉希德度过了自己的生命而没有被公认为世界上最高的人,他呼吁zheng.府注意。 他希望将自己的名字记录在吉尼斯世界纪录中。
This 23-year-old Multan resident wants the govt to acknowledge he is the world’s tallest man
November 16, 2018 Samaa Digital
Twenty-three-year-old Zia Rashid, a resident of Multan, says he is the world's tallest man. He is eight feet and three inches tall, 0.18 inches taller than Sultan Kosen, a Turkish-Kurdish farmer who holds the Guinness World Record title for the tallest living male. After spending his life without being recognised as the world's tallest man, Rashid has called for the government’s attention. He wants his name to be recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records.


Zia Rasheed先生昨天和我在办公室。
Zia Rasheed先生身高7.11,年龄18岁,是第一个年龄较小的年轻人。 世界纪录。
Mr. Zia Rasheed with me in my office yesterday.
Mr. Zia Rasheed having 7.11 long height and 18 year age, he is the first young man, long height in little age. World record.

巴基斯坦最短的男人Tayyab和最高的男孩Zia Rasheed在Bahawal维多利亚医院Bahawalpur,Zia成功地为脑肿瘤手术
Pakistan shortest man Tayyab and tallest boy Zia Rasheed at Bahawal Victoria hospital Bahawalpur where Zia successfully operated for a brain tumour

Qaiser Shakeel with Zia Rasheed hight 7.10

Haq Nawaz - 7 feet 5 inches (226.1 cm),被18岁非巅峰Zia Rasheed秒10+

2014年10月15日,我觉得2014年他秒Haq Nawaz已经和2010年Naseer Somroo那次差不多了(油管WDI89cW98d0)