英文小说吧 关注:4,262贴子:14,687



One year, two years, until the seventh year, I was waiting for him back, waiting for him to give me proposal of marriage. The neighbor said, “Seven years, you still don’t believe that he won’t be back, but you need to admit that it is more likely he already forgot you.” I didn't answer, but I was tired. Whenever I thought at night that one day I might give up waiting for him and find another man, I found that it was so hard to apart from missing him. But I knew that I can persist no more time.
In the spring of the ninth year, I stayed under the blooming locust tree. The old boatman was waiting. It felt familiar.However, a eunuch robed with black silk held a scroll and stated: “By virtue of the Mandate of Heaven, the Emperor decrees that he confer a title of you as an empress, respect this.” I kneeled to receive the order. I wanted to cry, instead, I laughed. Finally, I didn’t need to wait anymore. It is time to decide, whether live in honor or die discreetly.
On the tenth year, he wore a yellow silk robe and stood on the new ship. The servant around him asked: “Your majesty…” but he made a stop gesture. Yes, he already prepared to back on the ninth year since he left! However, he waited for Mary for a year that she never comes, so he is there to find her back. The ship swung the water on both sides. He noticed that the old locust tree was still there. He smiled at the tree until he discovered a gravestone under the tree. His broad smile turned frozen. He used his shaky hand to pull out the telescope and read the word in an imperceptible voice, “Tomb of Mary Sue.”

IP属地:加拿大20楼2019-12-30 23:15

    IP属地:加拿大21楼2019-12-30 23:19

      IP属地:加拿大22楼2019-12-30 23:22
        名字: Who killed the housewife?

        IP属地:加拿大23楼2019-12-30 23:25
          Warm light shined on the wooden table as the plates, knives, tulips, and napkins for 15 people settled on the long table. The hostess arranged every plate into parallel lines and waited for the family member to join the dinner.
          A man that wears the uniform of police officer consults the archives titled "Series of Murdered" and says, “this is the last picture for our victim, Alexandra Smith, who is a housewife for a 15-people’s family.”
          “That’s weird, there is no reason to kill a housewife that is always busy serving 15 people.”
          A man wears a T-shirt claims loudly. “That’s why you came here, Johnson!” The “police officer” utters.
          “Well, let’s start work, my sweet Myron.” Johnson banter with the “police officer”.
          “Oh, man! How can you…?” Myron realized his mockery. He suddenly stops his word and looks back at the files of victims. “Look at the picture of the crime scene,” says Myron.
          “I already read that in the last night.” Johnson murmured.
          Myron puts the files onto the table, pulls the whiteboard closer to the steel table, props his feet up on the table and spoke out, “Now start your inference.”

          IP属地:加拿大24楼2019-12-30 23:25
            Johnson takes up the cup, sips tea, and states, "According to the crime scene, the killer first injected the victim with the anesthesia, then sterilized the kitchen knife by the Vin Santo, which is an expensive Italian red wine that is in Avignonesi Occhio..."
            Myron loses his temper, "Stop!!! Say key point, please!"
            Johnson shrugs his shoulders and replied, "All right, let's continued. The mortal wound is another injection----the methaqualone overdose. Also, the victim died with peace and smile. That means the killer is an 'artist' that want his works to be perfect. By checking the previous crime scene, the victim lost a heart, a left leg, a body part, and this lady lost her right arm. Then it's obvious that the killer still needs to collect a left arm and a head. Therefore, the link is clear. Besides, all victims are women, which means that there is more probability that the "killer" is a man. Finally, the killer left a footprint in the crime scene unconsciously, so the height of the killer is about 31 years old."
            Myron stands up and calls Clare, “We have the result. Man, 28 to 34, either work for the art gallery and have the practice of the clinician or work the hospital in San Diego and good at art. The next victim is a left-handed woman. Crime will happen anytime!”
            Clare complained, "Oh, d***(force to mute) it! Let's check...I find him, a professor at The University of San Diego, School of Medicine, his name is Kevin Black."
            Myron called some other federal agents to visit Kevin Black. On the way, he checks the itinerary of him, he attends the lecture of art in university. He has his alibi. But Myron still thinks there is something wrong. What it is? Myron hears the sound of breaking the window and losses his mind...

            IP属地:加拿大25楼2019-12-30 23:29

              IP属地:加拿大26楼2019-12-30 23:32

                IP属地:云南来自Android客户端27楼2020-01-08 13:30

                  来自Android客户端28楼2020-01-27 19:31

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                          IP属地:加拿大33楼2020-02-02 09:37

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                              IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端35楼2020-02-25 11:07