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重写关于RS Spyder的介绍


取得了一个十分成功的首赛季后,保时捷出人意料地在2006年末的巴黎车展上发布了RS Spyder的升级版。对于气动工程师来说,2006年版赛车的较为奇怪的外型与其赛道上的表现是不太相符的,因此对于2007版赛车的升级幅度并不小。更激进,更精益求精,更具有目的性的升级反映了工程师们对于2006版赛车的重新审视以及进行了更充足的准备工作,也许这是对Acura的ALMS项目的一个回应,或者也是被奥迪在06赛季的ALMS的晚会上的一些话所刺激了。。。("Why is Audi unchallenged? Ask Porsche – where are you with your glorious motor sportshistory? Why are you not in the topcategory? Honda-Acura, why not in the premier formula? Why LMP2? Come and challenge us. If you beat us, we will honor you.")
Michael Pfadenhauer,,保时捷气动部门的负责人,他是在RS Spyder计划开始后的2005年加入保时捷的。Pfadenhauer对于2006版赛车所做的要求只对前分流器做有限的升级修改,尽可能与季前测试是的一样。Pfadenhauer是从奥迪跳槽过来的,他在那里负责R8的气动(从R8R与R8C)并且他也参加了R10的早期研发项目。而2007版RS Spyder正是他所完全负责的第一台保时捷赛车。
按照现在的标准(本文在08年写的),保时捷自家的风洞已经是较为落后的了,因此我们猜是在Fondmetal/Aerolab的风洞进行赛车的研发的,后来我们看到Fondmental的官网上列了一个他们客户的名单,写着"Porsche (American Le Mans Series)",但奇怪的是,但保时捷北美方面的公关被问及到是不是用了Fondmetal的风洞,他们的回复是没有。

IP属地:广东1楼2019-07-21 21:46回复
    '07 Porsche's front splitter/diffuser.

    The front wheel is open to the diffuserand it is understood that the spinning wheel helps draw air into thediffuser. Looking to the foreground you can see the truncated nature ofthe radiator inlet whereby it is wider at it's top than bottom providing asmoother exit for the diffuser exhaust.

    IP属地:广东2楼2019-07-22 14:05

      Seen here in 2008, note the addition (compared tothe Houston 2007 image above) of vertical splitters that connect from thesecondary horizontal splitter to the bottom of the monocoque and direct airoutboard.

      IP属地:广东3楼2019-07-22 14:07

        Of course this shot leaves nothing to theimagination. Courtesy Penske Racing...

        IP属地:广东4楼2019-07-22 14:09

          The Jabroc outer splitter skid platesextend inboard horizontally into the splitter's regulation stepped (50 mm)inlet and is chamfered to form an edge that presumably sheds a vortex.
          Jabroc outer splitter上的skid plate水平地向里延伸50mm(规则所限),并且进行了修整从而使得边缘与分流器本身共面,相信是为了制造涡流。

          IP属地:广东5楼2019-07-22 14:12

            The inboard extension of the Jabrocskidplate. Note the single outer strake is not normal (90°) to thesurface.

            Note thisoutboard addition, Sebring 2008.

            Note thisoutboard addition, Sebring 2008.

            IP属地:广东6楼2019-07-22 14:17

              The most controversial element on the '07 RS Spyder are the wing shaped valence panels.
              07 RS Spyder上最具争议性的部件就是这组翼面面板。

              IP属地:广东7楼2019-07-26 12:07

                IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端8楼2019-07-27 14:31

                  在2007年的赛百灵,我有机会与Michael Pfadenhauer进行交谈,于是我就谈到这个翼型部件。Pfadenhauer说他尽其所能来发挥该部件的最大效能,但到最后都没有得到什么,因为规则方面限得太死了。他解释道在去年的车上有许多的翼型部件(non-wing wings),就比如防滚架部分,以及赛车的纵向截面也是翼型。在这个话题上我得知 Pfadenhauer与ACO之间关于RS Spyder研发过程中的一些事情,然后ACO就回去重新澄清了在2007年规则中关于non-wing wings规则(Art.3.6.1)
                  3.6.1 - With the exception of the rear wing defined in article 3.6.3, no bodywork or underbody element having a wing profile (*) is permitted :
                  (*) "Wing profile" : section generated by two arcs with different curves and/or centres joining a leading edge at the front to a trailing edge at the rear, the purpose being to exert an aerodynamic effect, lift or down force.
                  Are not considered as a wing profiles, the bodywork elements that:
                  •have a constant thickness,
                  • have an absolutely symmetrical profile,
                  • are vertical.

                  IP属地:广东10楼2019-08-09 11:43
                    And it's in this feature in particular, if not concept here per Pfadenhauer's claim, that there is the potential to do some interesting things downstream of the valance panel that are of benefit to the car's aerodynamics (all one has to do is recall the development that went on in Indy Car racing in 2007 concerning side view mirrors, this was all geared towards creating beneficial aerodynamic interactions with the rear wing). But clearly there is no denying that there is an important relationship between the two valance panels on the RS Spyder, as noted by the lines running through the apparent centerlines depicting the approximate wing angle-of-attack. These angles are very deliberately set. If these panels aren't doing something to the airflow downstream, well then I'm Peter Pan.

                    IP属地:广东11楼2019-08-09 11:52

                      IP属地:浙江12楼2021-03-27 22:56