ddv吧 关注:21,525贴子:1,369,623



248 Sultan Kösen
前几年上午穿鞋245.5的Brahim Takioullah
躺量239的伊朗Morteza Mehrzad
穿皮鞋没怎么压头皮,激光量出240的Joelison Fernandes da Silva,巴西吉尼斯认证237,实高估计236左右
236+的巴基斯坦Zia Rasheed
巨人网7'10(238.8),但我感觉应该在236附近的巴基斯坦Ijaz Ahmed
报234和236的巴基斯坦Naseer Somroo
美国吉尼斯报7'8.33(234.5),穿厚鞋卷尺拉到7'10.5的Igor Vovkovinskiy,原本外国量的我要减一寸,但这个黑不动
1999年吉尼斯量了7次平均235.9的Radhouane Charbib,外国量的在我这一般减1寸
去年在印度手术去世的伊拉克Sabah Jabbar Hadi,上限也可能摸一摸235。原本死的不列举,这个因为我之前发过他的贴,加上死的不久,破例写一下
巨人网Nikolai Pankratov - 7 feet 8.5 inches (235 cm),俄文名字Николая Панкратова,所有资料就一个2014年的视频,实力是有,235需要更多证据
再往下人口比较多了,不做列举。很多是资料不足难给数,还有些人间蒸发的,比如235王新峰,232刘福应,231刘军,231 Kenny George,很难统计。

IP属地:新加坡1楼2019-07-22 18:56回复

    女子手球队员徐艳入选国家队 是黑龙省第二人
    18岁之后不会长了,就算数据没更新,用的是16或17岁的185数据,女的过16一般也封死了,到2013年测量的时候她大概率还是185。算躺量比站量多1-1.5,在吉尼斯最终数据里站躺平均后就只能加0.5-0.75,185靠躺量也拉不到187.3,有可能是像Neil Fingleton那样裸足量,然后送了假设穿鞋高度(Fingleton有站量229.5的视频,证书写232.5),但徐艳送的高度似乎比较少,她报的185应该是有尾数的,吉尼斯数相比她的站量数多了应该不到2,孙大汉身高更高,可能会送多一些。
    身高网用户Huffington 3/Aug/07说马布里有奥运数据,6'0.25,同期艾佛森奥运5'11,美国似乎是存在这么一个类似体测的奥运数据,乔丹也有一个92奥运6'4.875的数据。马布里的奥运体测和他在微博报的6'0比较接近了,应该是最可靠的数,1996新秀体测可能更高一些。

    IP属地:新加坡12楼2019-07-26 15:46

      IP属地:新加坡13楼2019-07-26 18:04

        IP属地:新加坡18楼2019-07-27 20:25
          Brenden Adams穿鞋7'8有,鞋子一般偏厚。14年3月对比6‘1 Allison Cook,选美小姐说“he is 7 foot 6 inches!!!!!”

          6'11.25 Brook Lopez

          IP属地:新加坡23楼2019-08-23 11:01
            Nikolai Pankratov 234应该没什么问题。


            The tallest man in Russia
            Nikolay Pankratov
            Height: 234 cm
            Rod .: April 17, 1989
            Troitsk, Chelyabinsk region
            The measurement was made by: Muradisinov Sergey Osmanovich, Head of the Traumatology and Orthopedic Department No. 13 of the Russian Scientific Center named after Academician G. A. Ilizarov. Kurgan city

            Who is the tallest man in Russia and the world?
            Guinness World Records specialists are stubbornly searching for the tallest people all over the planet and measuring them “in length” using special techniques. As for Russia, we still do not have enthusiasts who painstakingly record information about giants fellow countrymen. Information about a particular unique appears in the press systematically, only those giants who, in the literal and figurative sense, play high level basketball or volleyball are in sight.
            So, while the 25-year-old Nikolai Pankratov, who turned to the Ilizarov Kurgan Scientific Center to save his leg, did not write “New Region” , practically nothing was known about the young man. At least, monitoring of the Runet gives only one more link - to the “Book of Records of Russia”. Meanwhile, according to the information of these two sources, Nikolai Pankratov is by far the highest person in our country. According to the online publication, its growth is 2 meters 35 centimeters. In the “Book of Records of Russia” it is said that Nikolai’s height is 2.34 m. The measurement was made by Sergey Muradisinov, head of the traumatology and orthopedic department No. 13 of the Russian Scientific Center named after Academician G. A. Ilizarov (Kurgan). The giant was born on April 17, 1989, lives in the city of Troitsk, Chelyabinsk Region.
            Meanwhile, judging by the information obtained during the study in the open sources of the network, there are still a lot of o-very tall guys living in Russia.
            Without claiming to be 100% reliable, TLTgorod will give a rating of the highest people in Russia, whose growth, according to verified sources, is more than 220 cm.
            1st place. Nikolai Pankratov , 234-235 cm.
            2nd place. Pavel Podkolzin , 226 cm, January 15, 1995. Born in Novosibirsk. The player of the basketball club "Novosibirsk", made his way to the NBA.
            3-4 places. Sergey Ilyin , 225 cm, 10/08/1992 Born in Moscow. Player of the basketball club CSKA (Almaty, Kazakhstan). On the most detailed resource about the giants of the planet thetallestman.com it is written that its growth is 7 feet 5.8 inches - this is 228 centimeters. A number of Kazakhstani media claim that Sergey’s height is 226 cm. However, according to most sources, the athlete’s height is still 225 cm.
            3-4 places. Alexander Ryndin , 225 cm. 05.04. 1985. Born in Sumgait. Player of the basketball club "University-Ugra"
            5th place. Denis Markov , 224 cm, born 1982 Lives on a tiny farm near the city of Kropotkin, Krasnodar Territory.
            6-8 places. Denis Ershov , 222 cm, March 12, 1981 Born in the Magadan region. Professional basketball player, played for a number of Russian clubs. Some sources indicate that his height is 220 or 223 cm. But most often referred to as "222 cm."
            6-8 places. Dmitry Ponosov , 222 cm, 06.25.84. Born in Krasnodar. Player of the AltaiBasket basketball club (Barnaul). Some sources specializing in sports coverage indicate a different height - 220 cm.
            6-8 places. Nikolai Rogozhkin , 222 cm, born 21.12.1993 Born in Volgograd. Player of the Khimki basketball club (Moscow region).

            IP属地:新加坡32楼2019-11-09 00:24
              续23楼,7'8 Brenden Adams,出场不是踩砖就是踮脚,目测脚后跟无法受力,常态就是踮脚态


              资料6'2 Vaughn Gittin

              IP属地:新加坡54楼2020-06-19 02:27

                IP属地:新加坡55楼2020-07-22 19:22
                  Abiola 'l Fadahunsi:
                  Looks more in the region of 7'10"-8'3" than 11'.
                  There he is with a New. Slay standing behind the popular "bolé ka ja" wooden trucks that were in the region between 7-8ft, standard.
                  Very tall by all standards regardless.


                  The story of Daniel Nwokoro Onwubuta (generally referred to in text as Nwokoro), ending with his death in "April this year 1959".
                  "Highbred Maxwell acknowledges he has never written a pamphlet even though his name appears ... The gentle giant 'Alakuku' ... was copied from the Sunday times"--D. Dodson, "The role of the publisher in Onitsha market literature", in Readings in African popular fiction (2002), page 48 (presumably referring to the newspaper published in Lagos).
                  Daniel Nwokoro Onwubuta(通常称为Nwokoro)的故事以他于1959年4月去世而结束。
                  "Highbred Maxwell承认他从未写过小册子,尽管他的名字出现在......。温柔的巨人'阿拉库库'......是抄自《星期日时报》"--D.多德森,"出版商在奥尼沙市场文学中的作用",载《非洲通俗小说读本》(2002年),第48页(大概是指在拉各斯出版的报纸)。
                  The name Isuochi did not start being recognized in this New Generation, it has been on the spot of African History as one of the Great Lands that once produced the tallest man in Africa.
                  If we start unfolding the historical events of Isuochi people, you will be amazed at such a great City, specially Blessed above all ramification. But we will take it one after the other to help educate, inform you more about Isuochi Ancient Kingdom.
                  This is Nwokoroukwu a.k.a gentle Giant Alakuku, once African tallest man. He was 11ft, 6" tall.
                  He hails from Umuelem Mgbelu Mbala in Isuochi, Umunneochi LGA of Abia State.
                  He was an exceptional huge man, thus his size earned him the job of a body guide to the colonial masters. He also represented a figure of fright, usually adopted by elders to scare children into behaving well. Such as.."if you don't do the dishes, then i will bring Giant Alakuku to smack you"..
                  His days on Earth was great, especially for those who saw and witnessed his being.
                  Rest on the (once) Giant of African!!
                  他来自阿比亚州Umunneochi LGA的Isuochi的Umuelem Mgbelu Mbala。
                  他是一个特殊的巨汉,因此他的体型为他赢得了殖民地主人的身体指导的工作。他也是惊吓的代表人物,通常被长辈们采用来吓唬孩子,让他们乖乖听话。比如... "如果你不洗碗,我就带巨人阿拉库库来打你"。
                  Amaefule Christian:
                  Giant Alakuku did not attend any formal or informal education . When his parents wanted to send him to school at the age of five , he was not admitted owing to the fact that he was over tall when he was measured while his mates couldn't reach the height of the measurement . Then his parents engaged Louis known as ( Giant Alakuku) in farming . He does the Job of Twenty men in a day alone and after work , he eats the food of Twenty men as well . The People of Isuochi fill a Basin with Fufu together with a big pot of soup which he will finish and Still complains of not being satisfied . His complaints warranted the people to stop engaging him in farm cultivation hence he resorted taking food anywhere within the Community to sustain his life. When the people of Isuochi discovered his act , They barnished and ostracized him . Giant Alakuku finally went to Hill where he stayed alone because Umunneochi is a hilly place . The Colonial Master's who once used him as body guard but later dumped him where scared on the ground that he might attack them thereafter. The Colonial Master's started plotting to get rid of him hence he was finally killed after a gun duel .
                  巨人阿拉库库没有参加任何正式或非正式的教育。当他的父母想五岁送他上学时,由于身高超过身高而伴侣达不到身高的事实,他没有被录取。然后,他的父母让Louis Alakuku从事耕种。他一天独自做“二十个男人的工作”,下班后也吃“二十个男人的食物”。 Isuochi人民用Fufu填满一个盆子,并盛满一大罐汤,他仍然抱怨自己不满意。他的申诉保证人民停止让他从事农场耕作,因此他诉诸于在社区内的任何地方取食维持生命。当Isuochi人民发现他的行为时,他们将他放逐并排斥了。巨人阿拉库库终于去了山上,因为Umunneochi是一个丘陵地,他一个人住了。殖民者曾经用他作为保镖,但后来把他丢在了地方,因为他害怕会在以后袭击他们。殖民者开始谋划摆脱他,因此他在一场槍战之后最终被殺害。
                  Anthony Ike:
                  He is from Mbala (Mgbelu), my step grand mother calls her Nwokoro Ukwu. I learnt he was only able to enter open back truck (Gwongworo) because of his height. I learnt he use to go to markets in Onitsha etc to do show. And when he died he was sheared into two to make his burial easy .
                  他来自Mbala (Mgbelu),我的继祖母称她为Nwokoro Ukwu。 我了解到他因为身高而只能进入敞篷卡车(Gwongworo)。 我了解到他曾经去过Onitsha等市场做演出。 当他死后,他被剪成两半以方便葬礼。
                  Charles Nwoha Asagwaram:
                  he didn't marry talkless of having children.
                  The whites used him for shows in Enugu and beyond and when he became a threat to them, they injected him to death.
                  The great #Mighty of Mgbelu (Ezindu di Miss ocha from Amuda) in this our generation was his brother.
                  我们这一代人中伟大的#Mgbelu大能(Ezindu di Miss ocha来自Amuda)是他的兄弟。

                  IP属地:新加坡56楼2020-07-23 10:29
                    7'6 Dmitry Hrynkevich,白罗斯人,02年以难民身份移民爱尔兰,15年10月24岁被一立陶宛人和一波兰人用钝器击中头部去世,不清楚是酗酒打斗还是他们东欧民团体内部矛盾之类。他的所有报道都是那次事件,找不到别的信息。根据巨人网更新记录,12年之后巨人网更新较少,15年8月停更,此人出道太晚,未被收录。

                    以下图片本人挖掘,禁转。图片发布时间11年1月,地点在爱尔兰Killarney,是Dmitry Hrynkevich生活的城市,推测图片里的人是他,无法确定。

                    IP属地:新加坡57楼2020-07-27 20:38
                      巴西二哥Rafael Gigante,巨人网说是87年人。之前看他手小脚小身板也小,巨人网那几张图效果不行,然后秒女主持效果也不好,导致低估,前期还是有225画风的。巨人网视频12年12月出道报235,下图是当时画面






                      IP属地:新加坡61楼2020-08-02 21:09

                        IP属地:新加坡62楼2020-08-02 21:10
                          邹光忠编著. 世界奇人之谜[M]. 北京:中国国际广播出版社, 1990.06.


                          IP属地:新加坡63楼2020-08-03 08:43
                            2020年出土的图,出自网民的祖母相册,说是“in 1934 with Robert Wadlow, Chicago World's Fair”,面相显然不是罗伯特,难道是罗伯特表哥?

                            这等身高不太可能是新出土人物,经逐一核对,确定为巨人网7'6 Gilbert Reichert

                            IP属地:新加坡68楼2020-11-18 22:44


                              경향신문 | 1986.11.05 기사(뉴스)
                              국내最長身 2百42㎝ 총각
                              忠北 청원군 南復祐씨:"버스탈때가 제일 괴로와"
                              中2때 불고기7人分:신·내복 안맞아 고통
                              2백42㎝의 키에 발길이가38㎝. 국내최고의 키다리로알려진 南復祐씨(35·충북청원군남일면송암리226).몸무게는 1백15㎏으로 신장에 비해 늘씬한편이다. 아직도 총각인 南씨는 고향에서집안의 농사를 거들면서 동네의 새마을구판장을 운영하고있다.
                              천진스런 얼굴에 말수가적은 꺽다리南씨는 차타기가불편해 웬만해선 외출을하지않지만 마을대항 배구대회에선우승을 이끄는 주역. 2m가까이 공을 띄워주면 선채로내리꽂는 타점왕으로 각광을받는다. 한때 유도를 배웠지만 주체하기힘든 신장으로허리를 다쳐 중도에그만두었다고. 중학교(청원중)2년생이었을땐 불고기7인분을 거뜬히먹어치운 대식가로 체중이1백30㎏까지 불어났던 南씨는9세부터 갑자기 키가 자라기 시작했다고한다.
                              중학교1년때 1백70㎝가된뒤 하늘높은줄 모르고 자라던 키는 20대중반에 현재의 높이로 멈췄다고.
                              어머니 한석순씨(70)에에 따르면 9세부터 원인모를 두통을 앓았던 南씨는 지방과 서울등 종합병원을 찾았으나 치료가 되지않아 3년동안 산제를 지냈더니 말끔히 낳으면서 키가 무럭무럭 자랐다고 한다.
                              거인혈통이 아닌 집안에서아들의 키가 큰것은 후천적인 원인인것 같다는 것이 어머니 한씨의 얘기다.
                              3년전 마을입구에 구판장을 내 이곳에서 어머니와 함께지내는 南씨는"수입은 얼마안되지만 늙은 어머니를돕고 동네사람들과 어울리기위해 운영한다"고 말한다. 南씨는 청주에서 양복점을하는친구가 특별히 옷을 마춰주지만 신과 내복때문에 애로가 많다고한다.
                              지난5월 부산의 ㄷ고무회사에서 운동화2켤레를 만들어주었으나 이후 소식이 끊겼고 러닝셔츠와 팬티등을구할수없어 무척 고통스럽다고호소.
                              우유와 빵으로 아침식사를하고 보통사람이상의 식사를하지않는 南씨는 술은 못마시지만 하루에 담배 1갑반을 피운다고한다.
                              버스를 타면 바닥에 앉아야하는 불편때문에 특별히개조한 오토바이를 타고 가끔 가까운 청주시내나들이도한다. "서울·부산등야간유흥업소에서 끈질기게 취업요청을 해오지만 술집에서 일하긴싫다"며 큰 빌딩의 수위같은것을 하고 싶다고.

                              IP属地:新加坡72楼2021-03-18 15:38