Sorry for rolling over ur grandpa with tanks when we entered Seoul in the 1950s
Free Corea from America
South Korea is a part of North Korea
wow, Korea, the idiot son of America
Corea can win by cheating
Corea is world-famous for cheating only
THAAD can't save your cheating nature THAAD就是萨德
DPR Korea is the only legitimate Korea 就是说朝鲜是唯一合法的韩国政府
如果对面有棒子对你喊free拿什么xx地方,你就复制以上东西给他怼过去,还有韩国和日本现在是死对头,你可以说Japan will definitely defeat South Korea, cheering Japan.他们绝对会气到七窍流血.