图中有围墙(哨塔周边围墙上弓箭手隐约可见)的城市(小地图中绿色岛屿)为AI占领的岛屿城市,黄色的是我占领的岛屿。SBM3.2更新修复内容如下: The SBM 3.2 brings back the AI. At least I tried to integrate them as goodas I could. The scenarios should come to life again. If there are still bugs, please see me. It is and remains a difficult taskto make the AI compatible...Thank you !!!!! How do I go about it? It is not necessary to download orpre-install another SBM !!?? 1) Make a complete copy of your main game to any location. · Main Game: Anno 1404 + Addon + Patch 2.1------ Anno 1404 Königs-Edition + Patch 3.1------ Anno 1404 Gold-EditionVers. 2) Download SBM 3 3) Unzip the packed file. 3) Run application / installer SBM 3.exe. 4) Follow the installation instructions. Innovations briefly mentioned. · Formerly seed sugar cane is and remainsseed tobacco. (As in 3.1) · Scenarios "Vendetta" and"Ray of hope" reduced again · Lighthouse on land and on water in 4construction stages · A new Furriery inserted · New various market houses Occident /Orient added · New Corsair setting · For the production of beverages addedhoney farm and methhouse · Field path and stone road can no longer bebuilt in water. Therefore a harbour road was designed. "You have the AI'sto thank for that." · A magnificent street inserted · Oriental gatehouse and oriental city wallrebuilt on land and water. But no wall function. Switch elements with the"C" key ! · Nomad hut on water added · StorehouseTown Orient now has the functionof a harbour master's office · Market stalls Occident / Orient listedseparately in the building menu The following seeds can be grown in bothclimate zones. · Seeds Wheat · Seeds Tobacco · Seed Clay · Seed Cider · Seeds Silk Ship pool for Lord Richard Northburgh and Grand Vizier Al Zahir remainsactive. Attention !!!! If you are playing with AI, an increased attention span is required whenbuying ships. You also have to click really fast to Northburgh and Co when themessage "A new flagship is ready for purchase" appears, otherwise theAI will snatch the ships from under your nose. In SBM 3.2 it is (in my estimation) best to start with a flagship orflagship with escort or armada plus open map. Here you can be the first to buythe offered ships immediately after entering the island world. But after that,as already mentioned, the race for buying ships is opened. Good luck..........!!!!!!!! Diplomatic ranks in the Orient / As before. Visitor of the Orient 50 Reputation / Guest of the Bedouins 100 Reputation/ Ally of the Sheikh 150 Reputation / Privileged of the Caliph 200 Reputation /Advisor of the Grand Vizier 250 Reputation / Confidante of the Sultan 300Reputation. 机翻如下: SBM 3.2带来了人工智能。至少我试着尽可能地整合它们。 这些情景应该会重现生机。 如果还有虫子,请找我。要使人工智能兼容是一项艰巨的任务…谢谢!!!!! 我该怎么做? 不需要下载或预安装另一个SBM!!?? 1) 把你的主要游戏复制到任何地方。 主游戏:Anno 1404+插件+补丁2.1--Anno 1404 Kónigs Edition+补丁3.1--Anno1404 Gold Edition Vers. 2) 下载SBM 3 3) 解压缩打包的文件。 3) 运行应用程序/installerSBM 3.exe。 4) 按照安装说明进行操作。 简要提及的创新。 以前种甘蔗是种烟草,现在仍然是种烟草。(如3.1所示) 场景“仇杀”和“希望之光”再次减少 陆上水上灯塔4个施工阶段 插入的新毛绒 增加了各种新的西方/东方市场 新海盗设置 用于生产添加蜂蜜农场和冰毒屋的饮料 田间小径和石路不能再在水中修建。因此设计了一条海港道路。”你应该感谢人工智能。” 插入的宏伟街道 东方门楼和东方城墙在陆地和水上重建。但没有墙的功能。用“C”键切换元件! 水上的游牧小屋 东方仓现在有港务局长办公室的职能 在建筑菜单中单独列出的西方/东方市场摊位 以下种子可在两个气候区种植。 种子小麦 种子烟草 种子粘土 种子苹果酒 种子丝 理查德诺斯伯格勋爵和扎希尔大维齐尔的船池仍然活跃。 注意!!!! 如果你在玩人工智能,购买船只时需要增加注意力的跨度。当出现“新旗舰已准备好购买”的信息时,你还必须快速点击Northburgh and Co,否则人工智能会从你的眼皮底下抢走船只。 在SBM 3.2中(据我估计)最好从一个旗舰或旗舰开始,带护航或舰队加开放地图。在这里,你可以第一个购买提供的船舶后,立即进入岛屿世界。但在那之后,如前所述,购买船只的竞赛开始了。 祝你好运。。。。。。。。。。!!!!!!!! 东方的外交级别/和以前一样。 东方游客50名/贝多因人客人100名/酋长盟友150名/哈里发特权200名/大维齐尔顾问250名/苏丹知己300名。