d3d12_resolution_scale = 1 # Scale of rendering width and height (currently only 1 and 2 are available).
d3d12_ssaa_custom_sample_positions = false # Enable custom SSAA sample positions for the RTV/DSV rendering path where available instead of centers (experimental, not very high-quality).
vsync = true # Enable VSYNC.
如果觉得配置牛可以修改模拟器配置文件xenia-canary.config上面行,d3d12_resolution_scale = 1 改为2 为1440P,
d3d12_ssaa_custom_sample_positions = false 改为 true 为抗锯齿,括号里说了可能效果一般。vsync = true 改为
false 关闭垂直同步可以解锁60帧数,例如大表哥一样。