墙面漆吧 关注:574贴子:2,114
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项目名称:芷麦 甜品
主要材料:水泥漆 钢板 亚克力

该咖啡店位于闹市区的一个废弃报社厂房, 原建筑的结构与外墙有着老建筑的趣味性, 保留了其本身的味道,新旧结合,内外巨大的反差令人着迷。
The coffee shop is located in an abandoned newspaper workshop in the downtown area. The structure and exterior wall of the original building have the interesting taste of the old building, which retains its own flavor. The combination of old and new, and the great contrast between the inside and the outside is fascinating.
入口处, 运用了亮面不锈钢和哑光石材,与原墙面红砖做强烈的新旧对比,色彩对比。
At the entrance, the bright-faced stainless steel and matte stone are used to form a strong contrast between the old and new, and color contrast with the original wall red brick.

从建筑本身出发, 设计师把空间切割划分, 块面区别,局部保留原本建筑结构,大面运用块体关系,让光进入室内空间, 灯的不规则排列联系新与旧的建筑, 树影下的斑驳, 为空间加入的光的灵动性 。
From the building itself, the designer cuts and divides the space to form the block surface differentiation, with the original building structure partially retained and the block relation used in the large area, and lets the light enter the interior space, so that the lamp irregular arrangement links the new and the old building, the mottled shadows of trees add the light dynamic for the space.
Black and white, gray, the typical cool style, which should form a serious space, is broken by the uneven silver acrylic, and becomes lively and interesting.

主入口吧台的呈现, 保持和室内空间同样的材质感大块面的黑色护墙, 吧台与水池通过墙体穿插连接, 在空间结构之内又在空间结构之外, 形成高度同意的空间视觉。
The bar counter at the main entrance maintains the same texture of large black parapet wall with the indoor space. The bar counter is connected with the pool through the wall, inside and outside the spatial structure, forming the highly agreed spatial vision.

Full space of cement paint seems depressing, but the top incision is very good to break the feeling of depression, and there is a pleasant surprise.
The rational use of black and white, gray makes the partition space richer and more varied.

Gray is between black and white, is chaos, is silence, and gray is beginning of chaos, perhaps pregnant with new life.

1楼2020-10-27 16:30回复