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“美国艺术协会”(Americans for the Arts)简介


这些目标是通过与各地方、州和国家艺术组织、政府机构、商业领袖、个人慈善家、教育工作者以及全国各地的资助者的合作来实现的。此外,“美国艺术协会”每年举办活动,以提高艺术知名度,包括“国家艺术奖”(National Arts Awards),该奖项表彰那些表现出杰出的国家领导才能并表现出非凡艺术成就的艺术家和艺术领袖。“BCA 10”,表彰十家美国公司通过赠款、当地合作伙伴、志愿者项目、配套礼品、赞助和董事会成员等方式对艺术做出的杰出贡献;以及“公共艺术领导奖”(与美国市长会议合作),表彰地方、州和联邦政府的民选官员对艺术的支持。
通过全国性的宣传运动和地方宣传,“美国艺术协会”努力激励和动员意见领袖和决策者,确保艺术在美国蓬勃发展。作为在国会山举办的“国家艺术倡导日”(the national Arts Advocacy Day)的主办方,“美国艺术协会”每年都会召集来自全国各地的艺术倡导人士,推动联邦政府对艺术、人文和艺术教育的支持。
“美国艺术行动基金”(the Americans for the Arts Action Fund)是分支机构,旨在动员100万基层倡导者在联邦、州和地方各级推进支持艺术的公共政策。艺术行动基金的会员是免费的。为了向决策者提供有关艺术的信息,“美国艺术协会”收集、生成和传播艺术产业利益相关者所需要的数据、信息和工具。重点是扩大关于艺术政策的对话,提高人们对艺术在社区生活中的作用和价值的认识,并通过在全国推进以社区为基础的文化组织来提高接触艺术的机会。此外,“美国艺术协会”还对美国的非营利性和营利性艺术产业的各个领域进行定量和定性研究。“美国艺术协会”服务超过150,000个组织和个人成员以及利益相关者。美国各地的艺术机构组成了美国艺术的核心。它还为各种独特的合作伙伴网络提供服务,包括公共艺术、联合艺术筹款(基金)、艺术教育和新兴艺术领袖。
Americans for the Arts serves, advances, and leads the network of organizations and individuals who cultivate, promote, sustain, and support the arts in America. Founded in 1960, Americans for the Arts is the nation's leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education.
Americans for the Arts is a nonprofit organization whose primary focus is advancing the arts in the United States. With offices in Washington, D.C. and New York City, it has a record of more than 50 years of service. Americans for the Arts is dedicated to representing and serving local communities and creating opportunities for every American to participate in and appreciate all forms of the arts.
To achieve its mission to serve, advance and lead the network of organizations and individuals who cultivate, promote, sustain and support the arts in America, Americans for the Arts is focused on four primary goals:
·Lead and serve individuals and organizations to help build environments in which the arts and arts education thrive and contribute to more vibrant and creative communities.
·Generate meaningful public and private sector policies and more leaders and resources for the arts and arts education.
·Build individual awareness and appreciation of the value of the arts and arts education.
·Ensure the operational stability of the organization and its ability to creatively respond to opportunities and challenges.
These goals are achieved in partnership with local, state and national arts organizations; government agencies; business leaders; individual philanthropists; educators; and funders throughout the country. In addition, Americans for the Arts produces annual events to heighten visibility for the arts, including the National Arts Awards, which recognize those artists and arts leaders who exhibit exemplary national leadership and whose work demonstrates extraordinary artistic achievement; BCA 10, which recognizes ten U.S. companies for their exceptional commitment to the arts through grants, local partnerships, volunteer programs, matching gifts, sponsorships and board membership; and the Public Leadership in the Arts Awards (in cooperation with The United States Conference of Mayors) honoring elected officials in local, state and federal government for their support of the arts.
Through national visibility campaigns and local outreach, Americans for the Arts strives to motivate and mobilize opinion leaders and decision-makers who can ensure the arts thrive in America. As host of the national Arts Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill, Americans for the Arts annually convenes arts advocates from across the country to advance federal support of the arts, humanities, and arts education. The Americans for the Arts Action Fund is its affiliate organization that seeks to mobilize one million grassroots advocates to advance pro-arts public policies at the federal, state, and local levels. Membership to the Arts Action Fund is free.
To inform decision makers about the arts, Americans for the Arts gathers, generates and disseminates data, information and the tools needed by arts industry stakeholders. The areas of focus are those that expand the conversation about arts policy, generate greater awareness of the role and value of the arts in community life and promote greater access to the arts by advancing community-based cultural organizations nationwide. Americans for the Arts conducts both quantitative and qualitative research studies on segments of America’s nonprofit and for-profit arts industries.
Americans for the Arts serves more than 150,000 organizational and individual members and stakeholders. Local arts agencies throughout the United States comprise Americans for the Arts’ core constituency. It also serves a variety of unique partner networks with particular interests, including public art, united arts fundraising, arts education and emerging arts leaders.
1,维基百科“Americans for the Arts”词条
2,“Americans for the Arts”官网(https://www.americansforthearts.org/

1楼2021-03-09 20:38回复