Phlox @RiotPhlox · 6小时 Quick little update on Shaco's changes next patch: We're reverting last patch's changes to Shaco and throwing in some Bugfixes to the clone as well. 1/4 Phlox @RiotPhlox · 6小时 Our boi Shaco's smoke poof was bugged for about 2(wew) years where it wasn't showing up in Fog. We learned about it and fixed it last patch so now it does, not realizing how long it had been out of the game. 2/4 Phlox @RiotPhlox · 6小时 Y'all called out how long it'd be out of the game and how poor the gameplay was which prompted some internal conversations around proper counterplay in League. Honestly y'all were right, this kind of counterplay isn't something we should ask of an opponent. 3/4 Phlox @RiotPhlox · 6小时 It sucks if the way to beat Shaco is to pan your camera off to Narnia and look for little orange smoke clouds; we have plenty of other ways to balance him. 4/4