樱的记忆吧 关注:148贴子:1,781




1楼2010-07-12 15:15回复
    Sakamoto “There’s something new I wanted to try today, so on a slightly different approach than usual, we’re going to sort of put the conversation from this gathering of girls into print, and since it’s going to appear in the pamphlet that goes on sale the day of my 30th birthday, I was thinking of asking you about things around the topic of how a girl should live out her 30s and such.”
    Nekoi “Except we’re all in our 40s (laugh)…but although you’ve done a lot of songs and played various roles for our productions, it feels like we’ve hardly seen each other.”
    Sakamoto “The first time was for ‘Our History’, right? When I was 16.”
    Igarashi “We didn’t even meet you when you sang the title song for ‘Card Captor Sakura’ or when you had a role in the theatrical version…since back then we didn’t go to a single party.”
    Mokona “That time you appeared on the internet radio show might have been the longest we ever talked.”
    Sakamoto “But that wasn’t too long ago, was it? Are you sure?”
    Nekoi “You know, we went to your concert last year in the [Tōkyō] International Forum, and our seats were next to your parents’.”
    Sakamoto “They were? How did you know it was them?”
    Ōkawa “They both looked like you.”
    Sakamoto “Really? (laugh)”
    Nekoi “And actually for some reason we didn’t get any of the glow sticks that were secretly handed out to everyone. So when everyone was waving [the glow sticks], we were the only ones who couldn’t. With all your fans there, we would have crawled under a rock if we could, and especially with your parents right next to us… We wished we could have explained that the reason we weren’t waving with everyone wasn’t because we didn’t want to.”
    Sakamoto “No one would have thought that.”
    Ōkawa “They would. It’s even there on the concert DVD—there’s those great seats, and that’s the only place not lit up. (laugh)”
    Mokona “A friend of mine told me she thought that was the sound engineer’s spot. (laugh)”
    Preferences change with age?! Nekoi “This occurred to me when we did the net radio broadcast also, but even though you look like a sweet little girl on the outside, you actually have a masculine personality. (laugh)”
    Sakamoto “I don’t think there’s a single person among my most devoted fans these days who thinks I’m girlish (laugh)…I used to get dolls and things as presents a long time ago, but lately that’s changed to imo-shōchū. (laugh)”
    Mokona “Is that because your personality showed through on things like the radio shows you’ve been doing all this time?”
    Sakamoto “Probably—I just can’t seem to connect with fans in a girlish way. For instance, I wonder about whether my fans would like to see those kinds of pictures of me [in a clearly girlish pose], but that’s impossible for me.”
    Igarashi “I see. (laugh)”
    Sakamoto “When you’re drawing a love story into a comic, and you

    2楼2010-07-12 15:15
      want to draw the kind of thing that would make a girl’s heart flutter, I guess you have to have that element of ‘girlishness’ inside you to be able to draw it.”
      Ōkawa “Not necessarily. (laugh) I mean, if we drew a realistic romance, it would probably be depressing. I won’t say they’re all like that, but the romances I draw are a kind of fantasy, or a picture of the ideal.”
      Mokona “When I’m drawing Kobato, I draw the kind of girl I think is cute and adorable from my point of view.”
      Nekoi “When you do voice-overs, such as for a romance movie, do you draw on your personal feelings in your acting?”
      Sakamoto “I’m working on voice-overs for a Korean drama at the moment, and at first I thought, ‘Wait just a minute, there’s no way that could happen,’ but halfway through I started to be able to relate to those old ladies who get hooked on Korean dramas.”
      Igarashi “No reason to skip ahead to being an old lady (laugh)… Do you have a weakness for those kinds of men [that tend to show up in Korean dramas]?”
      Sakamoto “I used to not be that way… Do your preferences change with age?”
      CLAMP “Absolutely. (laugh)”
      Sakamoto “I thought so… Lately I’ve had a crush on Haruma Miura, who’s younger than me.”
      Mokona “There you go again, into old lady mode. You’re only 29, right? (laugh) What type of guy did you like when you were younger?”
      Sakamoto “Back then I only had eyes for Hiroshi Abe. His quiet demeanor and such.”
      Mokona “So you like the strong, silent type?”
      Sakamoto “He’s might not be quite that way when he’s acting, but doesn’t he seem like he’s normally a man of few words? A long time ago I liked that kind of older, taciturn type, and I couldn’t comprehend in the slightest the idea of liking younger men, but now those younger men have started to look attractive, which surprises me.”
      Ōkawa “So you’d actually be OK with dating someone younger than you?”
      Sakamoto “No, I haven’t gone that far.”
      Nekoi “Which means you find only their outward appearance to be attractive? (laugh)”
      Mokona “Or that your range has expanded?”
      Sakamoto “No, it’s just that the older men all get married and disappear, don’t you think? Everyone older goes away, and all that’s left are the younger ones, and so when I’m treated kindly by one of those cute young guys I think like, ‘Wait, what’s this?’ (laugh)”
      Ōkawa “But after you hit 40 those men who once belonged to other women get divorces and come back, like salmon swimming upstream. (laugh)”
      Sakamoto “Is there something special about those men who come back?”
      Nekoi “You may cross paths with quite an attractive offering. (laugh)”
      Ōkawa “First of all, are you OK with someone who’s been divorced?”
      Sakamoto “That’s fine with me.”
      Igarashi “How old is too old?”
      Sakamoto “As long as he’s younger than my dad…”
      Mokona “Why your father? (laugh) How old is he?”
      Sakamoto “He’s 66. I used to have a huge brother complex, to the 

      3楼2010-07-12 15:16
        point I wanted to marry my big brother. He’s really nice to me.”
        Igarashi “That’s adorable. What’s the youngest age you’ll allow?”
        Sakamoto “Around five years younger than me, I guess.”
        Nekoi “So 20 or so is out of the question?”
        Sakamoto “Completely out.”
        Nekoi “Too childish?”
        Sakamoto “A guy who’s 20 has too much uncertainty in his future, and I can’t fall in love with someone like that. (laugh)”
        Ōkawa “It’s not as though you’re buying stocks. (laugh)”
        Sakamoto “Yeah, but don’t you think that’s important?”
        What to look for in a boyfriend Ōkawa “OK, I’ll ask this…what are the three things you look for in a boyfriend?”
        Sakamoto “What indeed… I’d like to hear your answers first.”
        Ōkawa “Nope, you’re first. (laugh)”
        Sakamoto (after pausing to think) “First, our preferences in food have to match. Also, he has to be independent. And third I suppose would be that he has to be compassionate.”
        Ōkawa “So let’s suppose two guys who measure up perfectly to those three conditions appear. What do you use for a tiebreaker?”
        Sakamoto “…salary.”
        Ōkawa “So that’s the key thing for you to fall in love with a guy.”
        ALL (enthusiastic laughter)
        Nekoi “Your fans might actually try really hard, and think they have to work their tails off for a chance to date Maaya Sakamoto.”
        Sakamoto “Oh, I can’t have that. When I get married in the future, I really don’t want everyone wondering about how much my husband makes. (laugh)”
        Nekoi “The kind of man you fall in love with changes over the years, so one day you might have different answers. Besides, you can always earn enough by yourself to make your husband’s salary a moot point.”
        Sakamoto “How would all of you answer that question?”
        Mokona “In my case, someone I can talk with, someone who will always forgive me, and someone who can keep a steady job are my three conditions, and the last is appearance.”
        Igarashi “But by that you don’t mean the gorgeous type. I know you love that martial artist, Nobuaki Kakuda.”
        Sakamoto “So you mean more of a muscular type?”
        Mokona “More than muscular, someone with a strong character. I like a man to be entertaining and have a wide range of likes.”
        Sakamoto “How about you, Ms. Igarashi?”
        Igarashi “Someone who eats neatly, someone who can have fun, and someone who is slender.”
        Ōkawa “Basically you like slender guys, don’t you?”
        Igarashi “I couldn’t think of an answer to the last question and ended up going back to being a neat eater. I enjoy eating, and I think sharing a meal together is a basic part of dating and daily life. So I don’t want to feel disgusted when I’m having a meal.”
        Sakamoto “I can’t stand someone who reacts the same way to every meal.”
        Ōkawa “Neko [Ms. Nekoi], what were yours again?”
        Nekoi “Matching values, kind, doesn’t lose his temper. And the last was someone I can respect.”

        4楼2010-07-12 15:16
          Ōkawa “Those are some good answers.”
          Sakamoto “Definitely—I like those.”
          Ōkawa “Yeah, but ‘salary’ was better for the comedy factor. (laugh)”
          Mokona “You’re the oldest daughter, so you can’t help being mindful of details.”
          Nekoi “But since you’re setting a goal that’s easy to understand, I would hope the men out there get fired up over it. (laugh)”
          Ōkawa “But the idea isn’t that Maaya’s basing her decision on the amount, but rather on whether that person has a proper job. He gets the paycheck because he’s valued at his position.”
          Nekoi “I would hope they get fired up over that, too. (laugh)”
          Sakamoto “I apologize for dragging you with me on this topic (laugh)… Ms. Ōkawa, how about you?”
          Ōkawa “For example, if we’re eating out with everyone, someone who doesn’t pour my drink first. If I’m having a meal with you and my boyfriend, I can’t accept it if he fills my glass first. (laugh)”
          Igarashi “After all, Maaya would be the guest, wouldn’t she?”
          Ōkawa “Right. But this isn’t easy for men to get the hang of.”
          Sakamoto “Hmm, I’ve never even thought of that before.”
          Ōkawa “And the second is someone who doesn’t depend on me for money.”
          Sakamoto “Can’t leave that out. (laugh)”
          Ōkawa “The third is someone whose job is something people don’t expect. For instance, someone who makes lacquerware, or a carpenter. The kind of job that makes people ask what kind of job it is…not that I have anything against salarymen, but our schedules wouldn’t match up. But you probably also couldn’t date a salaryman, right? When you’re busy with acting or recording you can’t afford to have someone who blows up because he can’t get a hold of you. It’s not like you can answer your cell phone when you’re in the studio.”
          Sakamoto “That’s very true.”
          Igarashi “Then there are the times you go on tour and don’t come back for three months.”
          Sakamoto “Or I go on a month-long trip by myself. (laugh)”
          Ōkawa “Someone in an unusual line of work won’t get angry if my job is unusual… So for my last answer I went with the same as my third: someone with an unusual job.”
          Sakamoto “Hmm, that’s fascinating.”
          Once you start talking to cats, your life as a girl is officially over Igarashi “Do you want to get married?”
          Sakamoto “Mm, yes, someday, I’d like to.”
          Mokona “What’s your idea of ‘someday’?”
          Sakamoto “I’m not sure. For saying that I want to, I wonder if I really mean it… I really don’t know for sure. But in the end I don’t want to die alone. (laugh)”
          Igarashi “That’s skipping too far ahead. (laugh)”
          Sakamoto “When I think about how I don’t know if anyone will take me if I don’t feel like getting married until I’m 60, I suppose it’s best to marry early on while I can. My mom and dad have an amazing relationship. They’re always going places together and staying up until sunrise chatting and

          5楼2010-07-12 15:16
            laughing with each other… Whenever I see that, it makes me wish to live that kind of life.”
            Nekoi “That’s a beautiful picture… But you don’t feel like getting married right away?”
            Sakamoto “If I had the confidence to say that getting married would definitely be better than all I have now, I think I’d like to.”
            Ōkawa “I know what you mean. If marrying means you’ll lose just one of the things you have now, you shouldn’t do it. Besides, if you get married you won’t be able to set the thermostat the way you want. (laugh)”
            Sakamoto “Right. I might have to shiver myself to sleep.”
            Igarashi “If he prefers a lower temperature, you’re the one who has to put up with it… Although if you find someone who makes it easy for you to put up with it, I think it’s OK to marry him. But being alone might be easiest.”
            Sakamoto “Being alone is definitely becoming easier and easier.”
            Ōkawa “And if you get a cat or a dog and start talking to them like, ‘Today such-and-such happened, meow,’ or, ‘No one likes me, meow,’ your life as a girl is officially over. (laugh)”
            Nekoi “But going back to a home with a cat in it has a satisfaction to it. ‘Who does this fellow think he is, putting on an innocent face when he’s nothing of the sort?!’ (laugh)”
            Sakamoto “I like that picture.”
            Ōkawa “But if you want to be popular with the men I think not having a pet is best. Because if your work outside the home is fulfilling, and there’s a pet waiting to comfort you when you get back, you won’t need anything else. (laugh)”
            Mokona “You wouldn’t need a man, would you?”
            Igarashi “You’re fine with eating alone, right?”
            Sakamoto “I am.”
            Ōkawa “So getting a cat is absolutely a no-no. Eventually you’d start to wonder what’s so important about having a boyfriend.”
            Mokona “When you’re acting on stage you wouldn’t be able to see your boyfriend even if you had one, true? And if it gets to the point where he starts complaining about not being able to see you or some such thing, it’s clearly better to have a cat or a dog at home instead.”
            Sakamoto “You’re right. I think so too.”
            Ōkawa “Speaking of which…how are your cooking skills doing?”
            Sakamoto “They’ve gotten a lot better. I’ve been making my own lunches to take to work.”
            Igarashi “That’s excellent.”
            Nekoi “When I asked you a long time ago, you said you tried to make fried rice on some kind of trip away for recording and failed miserably…”
            Sakamoto “It wasn’t fried rice—it was a salad. I rinsed the vegetables with dishwashing soap. (laugh)”
            Mokona “Back when you were still in high school?”
            Sakamoto “Yes. I went all the way through college without once holding a knife.”
            Mokona “So did your mother worry when you said you were going to live on your own?”
            Sakamoto “She did. But it looked to me like she actually was partly relieved that I would finally learn how to do housework like an

            6楼2010-07-12 15:17
              expense of creating grudges. I think I’d like to have that sort of tangled romance once.”
              Mokona “It sounds dramatic, doesn’t it?”
              Nekoi “But since you have a restrained personality, I doubt that’ll happen… Besides, could you steal your friend’s boyfriend?”
              Sakamoto “No, that’s beyond me… But [compared with the women in those kinds of relationships] I do wonder if this is the same life. I still want to fall in love like they do in a Korean drama.”
              CLAMP “Not gonna happen. (laugh)”
              Sakamoto “You’re all very realistic, aren’t you?”
              Igarashi “I wonder if you see women around you crying over love and look up to that.”
              Sakamoto “That might be it. But in reality I don’t think I’d be able to go through the trouble of being that way.”
              Ōkawa “If there was a script you had to memorize by tomorrow, and your boyfriend says he’ll leave if you don’t come see him today, would you go?”
              Sakamoto “Not a chance.”
              Nekoi “Supposing you found this wonderful person, I bet you’d feel tired thinking about how you’d have to compete with someone for him, and that’s not what you’d want.”
              Sakamoto “There’s no way I could handle that.”
              Mokona “…Maaya, I think your ‘girl power’ is weakening. (laugh)”
              Sakamoto “I suspected it was a matter of energy. I just can’t make myself go that far.”
              Ōkawa “It’s nothing to worry about—even girls who aren’t chasing after love can still be beautiful.”
              Sakamoto “Is that really true?”
              Mokona “If you find your satisfaction and sparkle in yourself, the right man will naturally call out to you.”
              Igarashi “Someone with a high salary. (laugh)”
              Sakamoto “I don’t care if it’s not high, as long as he can earn his keep. I’ll take care of the rest. (laugh)”
              A woman’s lifestyle after 30 Sakamoto “A lot of women I know tell me a woman’s life gets fun after 30, and that after 40 it’s even more fun. I wonder if you could explain what they mean.”
              Nekoi “Your experience points keep going up, so more and more you start to understand that when you do this, that happens, and such. It’s the same with work and with your relationships.”
              Ōkawa “And I suppose beyond that, you realize that no one can care for you more than you yourself, so you quit expecting too much of others. When you start thinking this way, you can be kinder to other people.”
              Mokona “Just that by itself makes things quite a bit easier.”
              Sakamoto “I see… Work has always been my number one priority, and I can’t recall spending much time on love. In the last half of my 20s, especially this past year, I’ve started to really enjoy my job, and I get the feeling that’ll continue into my 30s and I’ll be able to put my experience to use. But work is always really important to me, and love gets pushed to number two or lower.”
              Nekoi “What’s wrong with that? It means the man you date will inevitably come to respect your job. And these days especially, there

              8楼2010-07-12 15:17

                12楼2010-07-12 15:19
                  猫井:对于我来说是的,也是发生在我们做广播访谈的那次(上文提到那次longest talking),虽然你外表看起来是甜美的小女孩类型,但是 实际上性格有些男子汉气魄。(笑)
                  坂本:也许吧,我没办法和我的粉丝们以那种很少女化的行为进行沟通。比如,我想也许的我的粉丝们喜欢我拍一些看起来很清纯的少女写 真,真那对我来说是不可能的。

                  13楼2010-07-12 15:19
                    (ps 以上主要是在讨论择友的问题,还是大川最挑剔的说,不过如果是小步,也无法忍受一个没有绅士风度的男人做男朋友)
                    大川:第三点,这个人的工作得是出乎人们意料的。比如,做漆器的(ps 日本的漆器很有名)或者木匠。这类的工作总会有人问“它们到底是在做什么”……我并不反对一个很能挣钱的男人,但是这样的话,我想我们的日程表很难合拍。但是你可能也不愿意和高薪男人约会是吧?当你忙于你的档期时,你无法应付得来那些对你发火的人,他不能在你身边支持你。这可不像在演播室里接个电话就能搞定那么容易。(ps,这句看了好久,真是云里雾里)

                    16楼2010-07-12 15:20
                      Once you start talking to cats, your life as a girl is officially over
                      (ps:这句我真的不能理解,达人相助一下吧     :一旦你开始和猫谈话,你作为一个女孩应有的生活将会正式结束? 好像talk to cat 就是结婚的意思吧)

                      17楼2010-07-12 15:21
                        五十岚:我想如果你看到你身边的女性因为爱情而哭泣的话,你会很同情她们么(ps 有点羡慕倾向)
                        坂本:我想可能吧。但实际上我觉得我不会通过这种方式(ps 哭)解决问题
                        猫井:如果你发现一个理想对象,我打赌你可能会想着如何从别人那里把他争夺过来,虽然你并不想那么 做。
                        坂本:我并不关心它是否高,只要他能挣钱养活自己。我关心的是剩余的那部分(笑)(ps 好像意思是 他生活费之外的余额吧?就是每个月能攒多少钱)
                        猫井:由于生活经验不断积累,所以你越来越能体会“为什么这么做”,“为何会这样”等等。这也同样 会影响到你的工作方式和处理恋爱关系。
                        大川:我也认同那种说法,你会意识到没有人比自己更了解关心自己,所以不能过于指望别人。当你开始 这么想的时候,你对待他人会变得更友善。
                        坂本:我明白了……工作总是我第一优先考虑的,我没法花更多的精力在爱情上。在我下半个二十岁,尤 其是刚过去的这一年,我开始真正的享受工作,而且觉得30岁也会继续这样把工作经验发挥下去。工作对 我来说总是很重要的,而爱情放在第二位或者更靠后。

                        20楼2010-07-12 15:22

                          21楼2010-07-12 15:23
                            汗~~~ 还没翻译完呢……
                            翻译者:小步无曲 翼Luminna (最好对上每楼翻译)

                            IP属地:辽宁22楼2010-07-13 09:21

                              23楼2010-07-13 18:33