[1]:原句为:Dr. Albert Einstein, they said, was rapidly reducing time to the status of a mere dimension. [2]:原句为:that the secondary personality had indeed had had suffered displacement. been an in- 后无下文,不知是否原文如此。 [3]:原句为:a person of keen thoughtfulness seized a strange secondary life and leading for a greater or lesser period [4]:原文为:cosmic channel 不知指何 [5]:原文为:weaker hours [6]:原文为:aroinings [7]: parapet,女墙也称女儿墙,是仿照女子“睥睨”之形态,在城墙上筑起的墙垛,所以后来便演变成一种建筑专用术语。特指房屋外墙高出屋面的矮墙。另 parapet 在军事中也成为胸墙。 [8]:芦木,木贼纲。乔木状,高可达30米。存于早石炭世至晚二叠世。 [9]:原文为lepidodendra,疑是lepidodendron 即,鳞木,属古生代石松纲的一属。繁盛于石炭纪。 [10]:封印木,石松纲,是封印木科中的一属。生存于石炭纪及二叠纪。 [11]:原文为:Great shapeless sugggestions of shadow moved over it, and here and there its surface was vexed ith anomalous spoutings.