"盲"的英语是"blind"。以下是一些关于"blind"的英文句子:1. He was born blind and has never been able to see.(他天生失明,从未看到过东西。)2. The driver must be careful not to hit any blind pedestrians.(司机必须小心,不要撞到任何盲人行人。)3. She was blind to the fact that her friends were using her for their own benefit.(她没有意识到她的朋友们在利用她。)4. The company's decision to invest in that project was a blind move.(公司决定投资那个项目是一次盲目的行动。)5. The witness's testimony was discounted because he had a blind spot in his vision.(这位证人的证言被质疑,因为他的视力有盲点。),"blind"除了表示失明的意思外,还可以表示其他含义,如盲目的、无知的、瞎猜的等。因此,在使用"blind"时需要根据上下文确定具体含义。