以伪DLC的形式为您带来The Noise的荣耀,通过黄色小妖精的眼睛重温披萨塔的事件,一路上可能会有一些曲折。没有此修补程序的注释。附言:如果你在此之前安装了任何MOD,或者以任何身份修改了文件,你可能会崩溃。如果您有,请删除(而不是卸载)安装文件夹中的所有文件,然后右键单击游戏并进入“属性”->“已安装的文件”,然后单击“验证文件”按钮。
The long-awaited Noise Update is finally here! Bringing you The Noise in all his glory in the form of a pseudo New Game+, revisiting the events of Pizza Tower through the eyes of the yellow gremlin, with perhaps a few twists along the way.
No patch notes for this one.
P.S: If you had any mods installed before this or modified the files in any capacity you MIGHT get a crash. If you do have one please delete (not uninstall) all the files in your installation folder, then right click the game and go under Properties -> Installed Files and then click the Verify Files button.

以伪DLC的形式为您带来The Noise的荣耀,通过黄色小妖精的眼睛重温披萨塔的事件,一路上可能会有一些曲折。没有此修补程序的注释。附言:如果你在此之前安装了任何MOD,或者以任何身份修改了文件,你可能会崩溃。如果您有,请删除(而不是卸载)安装文件夹中的所有文件,然后右键单击游戏并进入“属性”->“已安装的文件”,然后单击“验证文件”按钮。
The long-awaited Noise Update is finally here! Bringing you The Noise in all his glory in the form of a pseudo New Game+, revisiting the events of Pizza Tower through the eyes of the yellow gremlin, with perhaps a few twists along the way.
No patch notes for this one.
P.S: If you had any mods installed before this or modified the files in any capacity you MIGHT get a crash. If you do have one please delete (not uninstall) all the files in your installation folder, then right click the game and go under Properties -> Installed Files and then click the Verify Files button.