Lend money to an enemy,and you'll gain him;to a friend,and you'll lose him---Benjamin Franklin,American statesman, author, and inventor. 借钱给敌人,你会赢得他;借钱给朋友,你会失去他---本杰明.富兰克林,美国政治家,作家和发明家。
You know who the critics are?The men who have failed in literature and art---Benjamin Disraeli,former British Prim Minister. 你知道评论家都是些什么人吗?就是那些在文学和艺术方面无所成就之人---本杰明.迪斯累利,英国前首相。
We can only love what we know and we can never know completely what we do not love---Aldous Huxley,English novelist. 我们只能爱我们理解的东西,却永远也不能彻底理解我们不爱的东西---阿道斯.赫胥黎,英国小说家。
The most glorious moments in your life are not the so-called days of success,but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in a challenge to life,and the promise of future accomplishments---Gustave Flaubert,French writer. 人生中最值得庆祝的时刻不是那些所谓成功的日子,而是你从悲痛和绝望中产生了向生活挑战的勇气并且感受到了未来成功希望的日子---古斯塔夫.弗老波特,法国作家。
The supreme happiness of life is the conviction of being loved for yourself,or more correctly,being loved in spite of yourself---Victor Hugo,French novelist. 人生自大的快乐是你能享受到被爱的幸福,或者更确切的说,在于一厢情愿地被爱---维克多.雨果,法国小说家。
The supreme happiness of life is the conviction of being loved for yourself,or more correctly,being loved in spite of yourself---Victor Hugo,French novelist. 人生最大的快乐是你能享受到被爱的幸福,或者更确切的说,在于一厢情愿地被爱---维克多.雨果,法国小说家。
To be persuasive,we must be believable.To be believable,we must be credible.To be credible,we must be truthful---Edward Murrow,American broadcast journalist. 要有说服力,自己要可信;要做到可信,自己要可靠;要做到可靠,自己要诚实---爱德华.莫罗,美国广播记者
It is not profit have learned well,if you neglect to do well---Publilius Syrus,Latin writer of maxims in 1st B.C. 若不注重实践,满腹经纶也是白搭---帕布利乌斯.西乌斯,公元前一世纪拉丁格言作家。
People ask you for criticism,but they only want praise---William Somerset Maugham,English novelist and playwright. 人们让你提批评意见,但他们想要的是表扬---威廉.萨摩赛特.毛姆,英国小说家和剧作家。
两天在外 非常抱歉 Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be---Abraham Lincoln,American president. 对于大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就有多幸福。---亚伯拉罕.林肯,美国总统。
We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it---George Bernard Shaw,British dramatist. 正像我们无权只享受财富而不创造财富一样,我们也无权只享受幸福而不创造幸福。---萧伯纳,英国剧作家。