If we are industrious,we shall never starve;for at the working man's house hunger look in,but dares not enter---Benjamin Franklin,American statesman, author, and inventor. 勤劳之人永远不会挨饿,因为在劳动者房子门前,饥饿可以朝里看但是不敢进去---本杰明.富兰克林,美国政治家、作家和发明家。
To acquire the hibit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life---William Somerset Maugham,English novelist and playwright. 养成读书的习惯,就相当于给自己建造了一座逃避人生几乎所有不幸的避难所---威廉.索姆赛特.毛姆,英国小说家和剧作家
The greatest minds are capable f the greatest vices as well as the greatest virtues---Rene Descartes,French philosopher and mathematician. 最有才智之人能做出最大的坏事也能做出最大的好事---勒内.笛卡尔,法国哲学家和数学家。
As selfishness and complaint cloud the mind,so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision---Helen Keller,American writer. 自私和抱怨蒙蔽心灵,愉悦的爱使视野明亮清澈---海伦.凯勒,美国作家。
He is the happiest,be he king or peasant,who find peace in his home---Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,German writer and polymath. 不管他是国王还是农夫,只要家庭和睦,他便是最幸福的人---约翰.沃尔夫冈.冯.歌德,德国作家和学者。
Books which teach and speak of whatever is highest and best are eqally sacred,whatever be the tongue in which they are written,or the nation to which they belong---Bendict de spinoza, Dutch philosopher. 那些教授并且讲述任何最高和最美好的事物的书籍是同样神圣的,不管它们是用何种语言写就或属于哪个民族---贝内地特.斯宾诺莎,荷兰哲学家。
As a rough rind sometimes covers the sweetest fruit, so a rough exterior often conceals a kindly and hearty nature.---Samuel Smiles,Scottish author and reformer. 如同粗糙的果皮可以包裹最甜蜜的水果,丑陋的外表往往掩盖着善良和诚挚的本性---塞缪尔.斯迈尔斯,苏格兰作家和改革家。
If money is regarded as God,it will punish you like a devil---Henry Fielding,English novelist and dramatist. 如果你把金钱视作上帝,他就会像恶魔一样惩罚你---亨利.菲尔丁,英国小说家和剧作家。
The first half of life consists of the capacity to enjoy without the chance;the last half consists of the chance without the capacity---Mark Twain,American satirist. 人的前半生有能力享乐却没机会享乐;人的后半生有机会享乐,却没了享乐的能力---马克.吐温,美国讽刺作家。
Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money;it lies in the joy of achievement,in the thrill of creative effort---Franklin Roosevelt,the 32nd American president. 幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦和产生创造力的激情---富兰克林.罗斯福,第32任美国总统。
Do your work with your whole heart and you will succeed---there is so little competition---Elbert Hubbard,American writer and philosopher. 全身心地投入到工作中你就会成功,没有什么竞争的---阿尔伯特.胡伯德,美国作家和哲学家。