On earth there is nothing great but man,in the man there is nothing great but mind---Alexander.Hamilton,first United States Secretary of Treasury. 世界上唯一伟大的是人,人身上唯一伟大的是心灵---亚历山大.哈密尔顿,美国首任财政部长。
Learn to foster an ardent imagination;so shall you descry beauty which others passed unheeded---George Norman Douglas,British writer. 要学会培养一种有激情的想象力,如此你就可以发现被别人忽视的美---乔治.诺曼.道格拉斯,英国作家。
Whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is too big for him---Philip Dormer Chesterfield,British statesman. 不管是谁,匆匆忙忙只能说明他胜任不了他从事的工作---菲利普.道摩.切斯特菲尔德,英国作家。
Freedom is the right to be wrong,not the right to do wrong---John George Diefenbaker,13th Canadian Prime Minister. 自由是无意中犯错误而不是故意犯错误的权利---约翰.乔治.迪芬贝克,加拿大第13任总统。
The greatest friend of truth is time,her greatest enemy is prejudice,and her constant companion is humility---C.C.Colton,English cleric and collector. 真相最伟大的朋友是时间,最大的敌人是偏见,永远的伴侣是谦卑---C.C.科尔顿,英国牧师和收藏家。