Life is too short to waste. Dreams are fulfilled only through action, not through endless planning to take action.”– David J. Schwartz "人生太短不能浪费,梦想只能靠行动来实现,而不是无终止的计画行动。"– 大卫‧施瓦茨
“A leader’s role is to raise people’s aspirations for what they can become and to release their energies so they will try to get there.”– David R. Gergen“领导者的任务是提升他人对自己的期望,并释放他们的能量,让他们想到那里。”– 雷德‧斯克尔顿
The conditions of conquest are always easy. We have but to toil awhile, endure awhile, believe always, and never turn back.”– Lucius Annaeus Seneca ”克服困难的条件一直都很简单。我们只需要努力一会儿、坚持一会儿、永远保持信念,且绝不折返。“– 塞内卡
They copied all they could copy, But they couldn’t copy my mind; And I left them sweatin’ and stealin’, A year and a half behind.”– Rudyard Kipling ”他们复制所有能复制的东西,但无法复制我的大脑;他们在我后头辛苦偷窃,落后一年半的时间。“– 鲁德亚德‧吉卜林
Madame Curie didn’t stumble upon radium by accident. She searched and experimented and sweated and suffered years before she found it. Success rarely is an accident.”–—— B.C. Forbes 居礼夫人发现镭不是意外,她搜索、实验、努力并吃苦多年后才发现它。———福布斯
Our minds can shape the way a thing will be because we act according to our expectations.”– Federico Fellini ”我们的思维将会影响一件事情的发展,因为我们是依据我们的预期来做事。“– 费德里柯 · 费里尼