What's new in single-player:
- Draft tournaments with AI opponents.
- Possibility to play with custom decks in single duels versus AI.
What's new in the online league:
- Draft tournaments.
- Titles for players.
- Observing duels of other players.
New class, Goblin Chieftain:
Rescue operation.
Goblin's spell, cost 0.
Moves target creature to random empty slot and heals 3 life to it.
Goblin Hero, cost 1.
Attack 3, life 15.
Goblin Hero receives +2 Attack for each neighbouring owner's creature.
Each time opponent summons a creature into the opposite slot, Goblin Hero retreats to a random owner's empty slot.
Goblin Saboteur, cost 2.
Attack 5, life 22.
Each time Goblin Saboteur deals damage to opponent, opponent loses the cheapest card of random power type.
Army of Rats.
Goblin's Spell, cost 3.
Deals 12 damage to each of opponent's creatures.
Then deals 12 damage to a random caster's creature.
Portal Jumper, cost 4.
Attack 5, life 27.
At the end of each owner's turn Portal Jumper stuns creature in the opposite slot for one turn and moves to random owner's slot.
Goblin Looter, cost 5.
Attack 5, life 26.
Each time any creature dies Goblin Looter increases a random owner's power by 1.
Goblin Raider, cost 6.
Attack 4, life 21.
When Goblin Raider is summoned by a player, two another Goblin Raiders come to random owner's empty slots.
Goblin Ratsmaster, cost 7.
Attack 7, life 35.
Each turn Goblin Ratsmaster deals 6 damage to each opponent's creature and reduces a random owner's power by 3.
New class, Mad Hermit:
It will be the first class in the game with a passive ability. It will be:
"At the end of your turn if there is no Magic Rabbit in play, Magic Rabbit spawns on your side in a random slot."
Magic Rabbit
Attack 1, life 10.
Each turn attack of Magic Rabbit increases by 1.
Cards of this class are relatively weak, to compensate the power of passive ability:
Crazy Squirrel, cost 1.
Attack 2, life 2.
When Crazy Squirrel is summoned it deals 8 damage to creature in the opposite slot.
Forest Wolf, cost 2, life 24.
Forest Wolf requires Magic Rabbit in play to summon.
Forest Wolf is summoned to slot with Rabbit and eats the Rabbit when summoned.
Attack of Forest Wolf becomes equal to attack of eaten Magic Rabbit.
Vindictive Raccoon, cost 3.
Attack 4, life 15.
When Vindictive Raccoon is summoned it deals to opponent damage equal to attack of creature in the opposite slot.
Enraged Beaver, cost 4.
Attack 4, life 11.
When Enraged Beaver is summoned it deals X damage to opponent and each of opponent's creatures where X is equal to the attack of the Magic Rabbit if it is in play.
What's new in single-player:
- Draft tournaments with AI opponents.
- Possibility to play with custom decks in single duels versus AI.
What's new in the online league:
- Draft tournaments.
- Titles for players.
- Observing duels of other players.
New class, Goblin Chieftain:
Rescue operation.
Goblin's spell, cost 0.
Moves target creature to random empty slot and heals 3 life to it.
Goblin Hero, cost 1.
Attack 3, life 15.
Goblin Hero receives +2 Attack for each neighbouring owner's creature.
Each time opponent summons a creature into the opposite slot, Goblin Hero retreats to a random owner's empty slot.
Goblin Saboteur, cost 2.
Attack 5, life 22.
Each time Goblin Saboteur deals damage to opponent, opponent loses the cheapest card of random power type.
Army of Rats.
Goblin's Spell, cost 3.
Deals 12 damage to each of opponent's creatures.
Then deals 12 damage to a random caster's creature.
Portal Jumper, cost 4.
Attack 5, life 27.
At the end of each owner's turn Portal Jumper stuns creature in the opposite slot for one turn and moves to random owner's slot.
Goblin Looter, cost 5.
Attack 5, life 26.
Each time any creature dies Goblin Looter increases a random owner's power by 1.
Goblin Raider, cost 6.
Attack 4, life 21.
When Goblin Raider is summoned by a player, two another Goblin Raiders come to random owner's empty slots.
Goblin Ratsmaster, cost 7.
Attack 7, life 35.
Each turn Goblin Ratsmaster deals 6 damage to each opponent's creature and reduces a random owner's power by 3.
New class, Mad Hermit:
It will be the first class in the game with a passive ability. It will be:
"At the end of your turn if there is no Magic Rabbit in play, Magic Rabbit spawns on your side in a random slot."
Magic Rabbit
Attack 1, life 10.
Each turn attack of Magic Rabbit increases by 1.
Cards of this class are relatively weak, to compensate the power of passive ability:
Crazy Squirrel, cost 1.
Attack 2, life 2.
When Crazy Squirrel is summoned it deals 8 damage to creature in the opposite slot.
Forest Wolf, cost 2, life 24.
Forest Wolf requires Magic Rabbit in play to summon.
Forest Wolf is summoned to slot with Rabbit and eats the Rabbit when summoned.
Attack of Forest Wolf becomes equal to attack of eaten Magic Rabbit.
Vindictive Raccoon, cost 3.
Attack 4, life 15.
When Vindictive Raccoon is summoned it deals to opponent damage equal to attack of creature in the opposite slot.
Enraged Beaver, cost 4.
Attack 4, life 11.
When Enraged Beaver is summoned it deals X damage to opponent and each of opponent's creatures where X is equal to the attack of the Magic Rabbit if it is in play.