--------懒猫 Vision You're the only boy who singing songs makes me crying. At first sight of you,I was attracked by your lovely face. Apr.4th,2008 It's my first time that I saw you in my daily life. When you signed your name on my ticket,I told you that you need take good care of yourself. You said"OK"with smiling~ I took a photo with you at that time,I was so happy ----------丁丁 那年夏天,认识你的巧妙, 到现在还是耐人寻味. [春心莫共花争发 一寸相思一寸灰] .因你,幸福在流传,流传往日悲欢眷念.恋你,倾国倾城不变的容颜,容颜瞬间已成了永远.爱你,此刻鲜花满天 ,幸福的声音回响在耳边.念你,身边两侧万水千山,永远静夜如歌般委婉 . ---小嘟