解读2905-2 (8) (Q) Can anything further be done to improve my eyes? (A) The head and neck exercises are the best for the eyes in the present. 本人翻译(如有条件请直接看原文): 问:有什么可以进一步改善我的视力吗? 答:头颈运动目前来说是对眼睛(视力提升)最好的。
3549-1(17) (Q) How can I improve my vision? [GD's note: Later indicated she had myopia.] (A) 。。。.Also the head and neck exercise will be most helpful. Take this regularly, not taking it sometimes and leaving off sometimes, but each morning and each evening take this exercise regularly for six months and we will see a great deal of difference: Sitting erect, bend the head forward three times, to the back three times, to the right side three times, to the left side three times, and then circle the head each way three times. Don't hurry through with it but take the time to do it. You will get results. 本人翻译(如有条件请直接看原文): 问:我该怎样改善我的视力?【戴维斯(凯西的秘书)注解:后来显示她(做解读的人)有近视】 答:。。。头颈运动将是最有帮助的。一早一晚坚持做六个月(不要时做时不做),视力将会有明显的不同。头颈运动具体做法如下: 坐直立,头向前弯三次,向后三次,向右三次,向左三次,然后每个方向上转三次。做头颈运动的时候不要匆忙,要花时间去做他。你将会有所收获。
4031-1(11) (Q) How can I regain healthy and efficient eyesight? (A) Do use consistently morning and evening the head and neck exercises.。。。. This will correct and give better eyesight for the body and better reflexes. The head and neck exercises should be very specific, very consistent. Don't commence and then forget it. Do it morning and evening. Standing or sitting erect, bend the head forward three times, backward three times, to left side three times, to the right side three times. Just bend the neck, you see; then circle the head, clockwise, first in one direction, then in the other. Do these three times for each one. Be very quiet, very easy with this. Preferably take this exercise just before retiring and upon arising, before the clothing is put on of morning and after it is taken off in the evening. 本人翻译(如有条件请直接看原文): 问:我如何能重获健康明亮的视力? 答:早晚坚持做头颈运动。。。这将纠正并改善视力和反应能力。头颈运动应该很特意的,连续的去做。不要三天打鱼,两天晒网。头颈运动要一早一晚做,坐直或者站直,头向前弯三次,向后三次,向左三次,向右三次。就只是普通的弯脖子,然后头顺时针转动,先在一个方向,然后其他方向。每个旋转都做三次。要很静谧,很舒缓的去做。在睡觉前和起床前做效果更佳——在早上还没穿衣服之前以及晚上脱了衣服之后。