水獭辉养殖地吧 关注:7贴子:215



1楼2019-08-10 11:36回复
    At elections for the European Parliament, a predicted surge by populists and nationalists failed to materialise, though such parties gained seats in Italy and Britain.
    The new parliament will be much more fragmented than the old one, thanks to a strong showing by green and liberal parties.
    The traditional main groupings, the centre-right European People’s Party and the centreleft Socialists and Democrats, both lost ground, falling well below a combined majority of the chamber for the first time.

    2楼2019-08-10 11:54
      Greece’s prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, said he would call a snap election after his leftwing Syriza party flopped in the Euro polls.
      In Austria,Sebastian Kurz lost a vote of confidence thanks to the break-up of his coalition with the hard-right fpö, so a fresh election will be held there, too.
      在奥地利,Sebastian Kurz由于与右派强硬派的联盟破裂而失去了信任票,因此新 的选举也将在那里举行。
      In a state election in Bremen, Germany’s Social Democrats lost for the first time in 70 years.

      3楼2019-08-10 11:59
        Romania’s ruling party did terribly in the European elections. The next day its leader, Liviu Dragnea, was jailed for corruption.
        罗马尼亚执政党在欧洲选举中表现非常糟糕。第二天,它的领导人Liviu Dragnea因腐败而入狱。

        4楼2019-08-10 15:20
          Theresa May said she would resign as Britain’s prime minister, after repeatedly failing to deliver Brexit.
          The 12-week-old Brexit Party won the most votes of any party at the European elections in Britain.
          The anti-Brexit Liberal Democrats and Greens won more votes than the Brexit Party but fewer seats.
          The traditional parties of government, the Conservatives and Labour, did miserably.

          5楼2019-08-10 15:26
            Britain’s Labour Party expelled Alastair Campbell, a former adviser to Tony Blair, for backing the Liberal Democrats in the European elections.
            英国工党开除了Tony Blair的前顾问 Alastair Campbell,因为他在欧洲选举中支持自由民主党。
            Party members who make anti-Semitic comments have seldom been dumped so swiftly. Several other prominent Labourites also backed other parties, mostly over Brexit.

            6楼2019-08-10 16:47
              Back to the polls! 回到投票
              The Israeli Knesset voted to hold a fresh election in September, five months after a poll in April, as talks led by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, to put together a new coalition government failed.
              The sticking point was an attempt to end the exemption from the military draft for ultra-Orthodox Jews, which their parties refused to countenance.
              Mr Netanyahu pushed for a new election rather than let another party try to form a government.
              It is the first time in Israel that a governing majority has not been formed after an election.
              The Syrian regime of Basharal-Assad pounded Idlib province, the last rebel-held stronghold.
              叙利亚巴 Basharal-Assad政权袭击了 Idlib省,这是最后一个反对派控制的据点。
              Scores of civilians have died in the bombardment, which began last month.
              Some 300,000 have fled. Donald Trump declared a national emergency over tensions with Iran in order to push through the sale of $8bn-worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia, Iran’s regional rival.
              大约30万人已经逃离。Donald Trump宣布,由于与伊朗的紧张关系,国家紧急状态下,伊朗将向其地区竞争对手沙特阿拉伯出售价值80亿美元的武器。
              By declaring the emergency, Mr Trump was able to bypass Congress, which has criticised Saudi Arabia’s conduct of thewar in Yemen.
              Mr Trump said he is not seeking regime change in Iran—unlike his national-security adviser, John Bolton.
              特朗普说,他不像他的国家安全顾问John Bolton那样,在伊朗寻求政权更迭。
              Cyril Ramaphosa named a new, smaller cabinet following his re-election as South Africa’s president.
              Cyril Ramaphosa当选南非总统后,任命了一个新的、规模较小的内阁。
              Half the appointments were women and the new intake was generally taken as a sign that Mr Ramaphosa is serious about cracking down on corruption.
              They will all have to sign performance agreements.

              8楼2019-08-10 18:08
                The end of Mueller’s time 穆勒时代的终结
                Robert Mueller, who led the Department of Justice’s investigation into Russian meddling in the election of 2016, gave a rare public statement.
                领导司法部调查俄罗斯干预2016年选举的Robert Mueller发表了一份罕见的公开声明。
                He explained that because the department works for the president, indicting Donald Trump was “unconstitutional” and “not an option we could consider”.
                他解释说,由于国防部是为总统工作的,起诉Donald Trump是“违宪的”,“我们不能考虑”。
                He also suggested that he has nothing to say beyond what is already in his report.
                America’s Supreme Court rejected a law in Indiana that would have banned abortions sought because of the fetus’s sex or di****lity.
                However, it upheld Indiana’s requirement that aborted fetuses be buried or cremated.
                Louisiana passed a bill banning abortions if a fetal heartbeat is detected.
                The Democratic governor has said he will sign it.
                Both pro-life and pro-choice activists expect a big battle over abortion during next year’s presidential campaign.
                America laid fresh charges against Julian Assange, this time for being “complicit with” Chelsea Manning in leaking hundreds of thousands of sensitive documents, starting in 2009.
                美国对Julian Assange提出了新的指控,这次是因为他与Chelsea Manning“串通一气”,从2009年开始泄露了数十万份敏感文件。
                Mr Assange, who is in a British prison for jumping bail and is too ill to attend court, has already been accused by the Americans of abetting the hacking of a government computer.

                9楼2019-08-10 18:19
                  WrestleMania it ain’t 摔跤手不是
                  On a state visit to Japan, Donald Trump met the new emperor and attended a sumowrestling tournament, where he presented a trophy.
                  在对日本进行国事访问时,Donald Trump会见了新皇帝,并参加了一次苏门答腊锦标赛,在那里他颁发了奖杯。
                  He startled his hosts by saying that North Korea’s recent missile tests did not bother him and didn’t violate UN resolutions.
                  Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister, called the missile tests “extremely regrettable”.
                  John Bolton, Mr Trump’s national security adviser, enraged China by meeting his Taiwanese counterpart in Washington.
                  It was the first meeting between the top national-security officials from both countries since 1979, when America ended formal relations.
                  China says Taiwan is part of its territory.
                  After weeks of political tumult, Peter O’Neill bowed to pressure and resigned as prime minister of Papua New Guinea.
                  经过数周的政治动荡,Peter O’Neill屈服于压力,辞去巴布亚新几内亚总理的职务。
                  He was replaced by James Marape, a former ally who recently stepped down as finance minister.
                  他被James Marape取代,他是前盟友,最近辞去了财政部长的职务。
                  Mr O’Neill had faced mounting opposition to energy deals with foreign companies, including Total and ExxonMobil. Many locals complained that they had been overlooked in the process.

                  10楼2019-08-10 18:29
                    The world this week Business
                    Fiat Chrysler Automobiles confirmed that it was seeking a merger with Renault, a combination that would create the world’s third-largest car company behind Volkswagen and Toyota.
                    Fiat Chrysler汽车公司证实,它正在寻求与雷诺的合并,这一合并将创造出仅次于大众和丰田的世界第三大汽车公司。
                    FCA and Renault hope the merger will save cash to bolster改善 investments in electric vehicles and self-driving cars.
                    But Renault is also in a close partnership with Japan’s Nissan and Mitsubishi.
                    That alliance has been strained since the arrest of Carlos Ghosn, its former boss, on charges of financial misconduct at Nissan (which he denies) and its future is now in question.
                    自从前日产老板卡洛斯•戈恩(Carlos Ghosn)因其在日产(Nissan)的财务不当行为(他否认这一点)而被捕以来,该联盟一直处于紧张状态,其未来也受到质疑。

                    11楼2019-08-11 09:48
                      The Huawei effect
                      Alibabawas reportedly considering a second listing of its shares, but in Hong Kong rather than New York, where
                      its $25bn stockmarket debut in 2014 remains the world’s biggest IPO.
                      This time it is seeking to raise $20bn. Its decision to list in Hong Kong comes amid uncertainties over the future treatment of Chinese companies by the American authorities.
                      Alibaba is using its profits from e-commerce to invest in artificial intelligence, quantum computing and other sensitive tech areas where America and China are competing aggressively.

                      12楼2019-08-11 10:28
                        The latest skirmish in the trade war saw China threaten to limit supplies to America of rare earths, a group of 17 metals vital to fast-growing businesses such as electric cars but also widely used in the defence industry.
                        China accounts for the vast bulk of rare-earth production; for some of the metals it is the sole producer.
                        In 2010 it cut exports to Japan during a maritime dispute.

                        13楼2019-08-11 10:43
                          Maersk, the world’s biggest shipping company, gave a downbeat assessment of the effect of global-trade tensions on its industry. It estimates that container trade grew by 1.7% in the first quarter compared with the same period a year earlier. That is less than half the average for 2018.

                          14楼2019-08-11 10:44
                            Boeing’s 737 max aircraft is unlikely to return to service until at least August, according to the International Air Transport Association. A recent meeting of global safety-regulators avoided putting a date on a return for the max, which has been grounded following two crashes. iata stressed that it will be regulators who make the final decision.
                            据国际航空运输协会(International Air Transport Association)称,波音737 MAX客机至少要到8月才能恢复使用。最近全球安全监管机构召开的一次会议避免了公布MAX回归的日期,毕竟发生了两次坠机事故。国际航空运输协会强调,最终决定将由监管机构做出。

                            15楼2019-08-11 11:08
                              The Food and Drug Administration approved a gene therapy developed by Novartis for treating spinal muscular atrophy in children. Priced at $2.1m, Zolgensma is the world’s most expensive drug, though it costs half the current treatment for sma over the first ten years of a child’s life.

                              16楼2019-08-11 11:10