第一段的几个重点: (1) 长吉死于元和十一年,26岁,但根据中国算法是27岁 – 我想作者为什么要特意提到27岁?因为米国流行文化中有个出名的“27俱乐部”,由一群过世时全为27岁的(主要是)摇滚/蓝调歌手(有时也延申要其他艺人)所组成的“俱乐部”。唐代诗人里谁最具有摇滚明星特质?当然是李贺啦! (2) 总结李贺的那句话有三部分:【1】singular and distinctivestyle 非凡独特的风格;【2】sharing qualities with some of his Yuanhe contemporaries,like Lu Tong 和他同时代(元和时代)的一些诗人(重点说到卢仝)有些共同具有的品质;【3】enabled by the remarkable spiritof poetic daring and inventiveness in the last 30 year 过去三十年中唐诗里引人注目的勇气和创造力激发了李贺的诗风. (3) 元和时代的结束也标志着这种创造力的枯竭。在那之后,诗风决定性地转向了保守。
盖《骚》之苗裔,理虽不及,辞或过之。 These are indeed the remote descendents of the Sao(《骚》), and although they are not its equal in the order of thngs (理), they go beyond it in diction (辞). 《骚》有感怨刺怼,言及君臣理乱,时有以激发人意。 The Sao is stirred to resentment and makes furious jabs; its words touch on order and disorder in the relation between prince and minister, sometimes provoking thoughts in the reader. 乃贺所为,无得有是?贺能探寻前事,所以深叹恨今古未尝经道者 IIn what Li He wrote, however, there is none of this. Li He was skilled at digging out past events; thus his deep sighs expressed bitterness at what no one has ever spoken of in present or past times. 如《金铜仙人辞汉歌》、补梁庾肩吾《宫体谣》, 求取情状,离绝远去笔墨畦径,间亦殊不能知之。 he sought to capture the quality and manner [of the moment]; yet he departed so far from the usual paths of letters that one scarcely knows them. 贺生二十七年死矣,世皆曰:“使贺且未死,少加以理,奴仆命《骚》可也。” People of time all said,"Had Li He not died and improved somewhat in his sense of the order of things, he might have commanded the Sao as a servant.
杜牧说的“理”是什么呢?宇文把它翻译成“事物的秩序”和“治”。他是这样解读杜牧对李贺的评语的: Li He's poetry depends upon gorgeous diction and fresh ideas, only without the engagement of socail and political world that produced one kind of depth in a Tang context of values. 李贺诗凭藉华丽的辞藻和新鲜的创意,但不参与当时的政治社会,因而没有那个价值观背景所产生的深度。 而《离骚》对政治的参与,在读者心中激起深度的情感,给与其力量。 换句话说,李贺的诗歌是空洞的。
他说的应该是后人引用的最多的那段话: 云烟绵联,不足为其态也; A continuous stream of clouds and mist has not such a manner of his 水之迢迢,不足为其情也; Waters stretching off far into the distance have not such as mood as his 春之盎盎,不足为其和也; all spring's flowering glory has not his gentleness 秋之明洁,不足为其格也; autumn's bright purity has not his strictness of form 风樯阵马,不足为其勇也; masts driven by wind and horses in the battle line have not his daring 瓦棺篆鼎,不足为其古也; tile sarcophagi and tripods with seal-script have not his antiquity 时花美女,不足为其色也; the season's flowers and fair women have not his sensuality 荒国陊殿,梗莽丘垄,不足为其恨怨悲愁也; walls run to weeds and ruined palaces and tomb mounds overgrown with brush have not his resentment and mournfulness 鲸呿鳌掷,牛鬼蛇神,不足为其虚荒诞幻也。 the leviathan's gaping maw and the leaping sea turtle, the bull demon and the snake god, have not his sense of fantasy and illusion. (这个翻译得真的很好,但我觉得可能比原文多了些讽刺的味道)