People ofen ask me if I know the secret of success,and if I could tell others how to make their dreams come true.My answer is,you do it by working---Walt Disney,American film director,producer and entrepreneur. 人们经常问我是否知道成功的秘诀,能否告诉别人怎样使梦想成真。我的回答是:身体力行---沃尔特.迪斯尼,美国电影导演,制片人和企业家。
Music has charms to soothe a savage breast,to soften rocks,or bend a knotted oak---William Congreve,English playwright and poet. 音乐的魔力可以抚慰野蛮的胸怀,软化磐石或者弯曲盘根错节的橡树---威廉.康格里夫,英国剧作家和诗人。
I wonder how anyone can have the face to condemn others when he reflects upon his own thoughts---William Somerset Maugham,English novelist and playwright. 我奇怪的是,任何人如果检讨自己的思想之后,怎还有脸面去责难别人---威廉.萨摩赛特.毛姆,英国小说家和剧作家。
Art is human activity having as its purpose the transmission to others of the highest and best feeling to which we have risen---Leo Tolstoy,Russian writer. 艺术是人类的一种活动,目的是把我们所体会的最高上和最美妙的感情传递给别人---列夫.托尔斯泰,俄罗斯作家。
Wealth is not his that has it,but his that enjoys it---Benjamin Franklin,American statesman, author, and inventor. 财富不属于拥有它的人,而属于享用了它的人---本杰明.富兰克林,美国政治家,作家和发明家。
Dissimulation is innate in woman,and almost as much a quality of the stupid as the clever---Arthur Schopenhauer,German philosopher. 女人天生会伪装,不管是聪明还是愚蠢,都是这样---阿瑟.叔本华,德国哲学家。
Dissimulation is innate in woman,and almost as much a quality of the stupid as the clever---Arthur Schopenhauer,German philosopher. 女人天生会伪装,不管是聪明还是愚蠢,都是这样---阿瑟.叔本华,德国哲学家。
As a rough rind sometimes covers the sweetest fruit, so a rough exterior often conceals a kindly and hearty nature.---Samuel Smiles,Scottish author and reformer. 如同粗糙的果皮可以包裹最甜蜜的水果,丑陋的外表往往掩盖着善良和诚挚的本性。---塞缪尔·斯迈尔斯,苏格兰作家和改革家。
You could cover the whole world with asphalt, but sooner or later green grass would break through.---Ilya Ehrenburg,Soviet writer and journalist. 哪怕沥青覆盖了整个地球,绿草迟早会冲破障碍茁壮成长。---伊里亚·爱伦堡,苏联作家和记者。
A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you.---Ramsey Clark,American lawyer. 权利不是什么人施舍给你的东西;权利是任何人都不能从你手里夺走的东西。---拉姆齐·克拉克,美国作家。