One of the South Pride Males looks for his three companions after a day of sleeping in the long grass. 2011.12.30. Londolozi

Southern Pride male by Tristan Dicks ~ Chitwa Chitwa Oct 2011

Mala Mala Ranger diary Dec 4 2011
Early on Sunday evening we came across the four young Selati males in the northern parts of Charleston.

Selati sub-adult male lions Mala Mala Oct 9 2011

There is mating between one of Selati males and a lioness from Ottawa pride, all that the other males could do is watch. June 23 2012

Khimbini Hlongwane~ Inyati took this photo of us.
The Southern Males, the new male lions in our section of the reserve.

The Southern Pride Males took down a buffalo this week. Here, during a break from feeding, one lion patrols for descending vultures and approaching hyenas and jackals. Nearby a jackal rustled in the grass, capturing his attention. Londolozi