The Selati's were still resting on Djuma on 9/13 pm. They have done some scent marking and some roaring. They headed by Gowrie Dam towards Buffleshoek at sunset.
南联盟兄弟在Djuma营地忙碌了一天,它们在此地做领土标记并且咆哮以宣告它们的存在。当时日落时分之时,南联盟兄弟朝着Buffleshoek 的方向前行。

The Selati's were still resting on Djuma on 9/13 pm. They have done some scent marking and some roaring. They headed by Gowrie Dam towards Buffleshoek at sunset.
南联盟兄弟在Djuma营地忙碌了一天,它们在此地做领土标记并且咆哮以宣告它们的存在。当时日落时分之时,南联盟兄弟朝着Buffleshoek 的方向前行。