Selati male#1 with a full stomach.

The Selati males have been trailing a herd of Buffalo for quite some time now and have only managed slim pickings. As the sun set behind this Selati male he watches a lone Buffalo bull following close behind the herd unaware of the threat of Lions!

2014.2.28 保卫者入侵南联盟核心领地并打伤南联盟一名成员...
Majingalane males seen in the west this morning, seems they fought with the Selatis.
This morning we woke up to 4 intruders in the Western Sector. The Majingilane males have entered well into the Selati territory. Will the Selati males be able to push these strong boys back to the East? Hopefully the Othawa pride can avoid detection and keep the cubs safe!
Reports from others that did see the Selatis say that one has some injuries, the other two are fine.
Some of you may have heard lots of lion roars on the webcam last night, turns out that it was the Majingalane males visiting the west...
It seems so, they have some fresh wounds and the Selatis have run North.
All three Selati males are full.

This morning we found all 3 Selati males together not too far away from 2 of the Othawa females and 3 cubs! There was however no sign of the Majingilane males.

Selati male walking down the road towards his brother! This morning all 3 of them were together. No sign of the Majingilane this morning. Hopefully they have gone back to the East!